Status Reviews - Not Approved


Lists all status updates that have not yet been approved showing which project and activity the status update was submitted against, the assignment level (activity or assignment), and current status of the update. Also lists the user who submitted the update, the date the update was submitted and, if applicable the date of resubmission, the most recent date the update was rejected, the date the update was changed to the held state and the duration for which the update has been in a pending state. For each status update, the reviewers assigned to the project and the type of review required are also provided.


  1. Click Reports.
  2. On the Report page:
    1. Click the Reports tab.
    2. Expand the P6Reports folder.
    3. Expand the Administrative folder.
    4. Expand the Approvals folder.
    5. Click Status Reviews - Not Approved.

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023