Modes of Operation

As discussed in the "Introduction" topic, the P6 Integration API is designed to run in Local Mode or Remote, while the P6 Professional API can run in Local Mode only.

For more information about Local and Remote Modes, proceed to the applicable subsection below, depending on the API you use:

Modes of Operation If Using the P6 Integration API

In Local Mode, the client code runs in the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as the Integration server. Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is not used, and the Integration API communicates directly with the business rule code in the server (the Business Rule Engine). Local Mode is useful for when the API client code will be deployed on the same physical machine as the internal Business Rule Engine. It can also be useful for applications that require the improved performance achieved by avoiding the RMI layer.

In Remote Mode, the client code runs on a different machine than the Integration server and Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is used for communication. Multiple clients can communicate with the Integration server simultaneously.

Note: The maximum number of clients that can access a remote server at one time is approximately 50. This number can be less, depending on multiple factors including system hardware and network configuration.

There are three possible service modes for the RMI server: Standard, Compression, and SSL. By default, all three modes are enabled. The RMI server also requires the RMI Registry, which listens to port 9099 by default. You can change the default settings for the RMI server via the Administrator tool, which can be launched using admin.cmd ( for AIX, HPUX, Linux). The following settings can be found under Configurations\Custom\<Configuration Name>\Integration API Server\RMI:

Enable - Enables (true) or disables (false) the RMI server (default setting is true).

RegistryPort - Port for the RMI Registry (default setting is 9099).

StandardServiceEnable - Enables (true) or disables (false) the Standard service mode (default setting is true).

StandardServicePort - Port to use for Standard service mode. A setting of 0 (default) means that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.

CompressionServiceEnable - Enables (true) or disables (false) the Compression service mode (default setting is true).

CompressionServicePort - Port to use for Compression service mode. A setting of 0 (default) means that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.

SSLServiceEnable - Enables (true) or disables (false) the SSL service mode (default setting is true).

SSLServicePort - Port to use for SSL service mode. A setting of 0 (default) means that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.

If the API is configured to use Remote Mode, the service mode can be chosen at runtime using the RMIURL helper class: standard, compression, and SSL modes are available.

Note: P6 EPPM Web Services should be considered as an alternative to using the Remote Mode of the API.

Modes of Operation If Using the P6 Professional API

If you are using the P6 Professional Integration API, then you can use the API in Local Mode only. Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is not used, and the Integration API communicates directly with the business rule code in the server (the Business Rule Engine), as illustrated in the following graphic:

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024