Where to Begin

If you will be writing code against either API, the Java Software Development Kit (SDK, also known as the JDK) must be installed. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to write code must work with the supported version of the JDK. If you will not be writing code, only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to be able to run applications written for the APIs.

Note: For information on what version of the Java Software Development Kit or Java Runtime Environment to use, see the Tested Configurations document.

When Using the P6 Integration API

The API client code for Remote Mode is contained in intgclient.jar. For Local Mode, the API code is contained in intgserver.jar. The jar files are installed in the lib directory under the Integration API installation directory. To successfully compile and run the code written against the API, you will need to include the appropriate jar file in your classpath.

For applications running in Local Mode, your classpath must include the other jar files that are installed in the lib directory under the Integration API installation directory. Local Mode applications must also have the System property "primavera.bootstrap.home" set to the location of the installation directory. This setting is used by the server to find the BREBootStrap.xml file.

When Using the P6 Professional API

The API client code is contained in intgserver.jar. This and other related jar files are installed in the lib directory under the Integration API installation directory. To successfully compile and run the code written against the API, you must include these jar files in your classpath.

Additionally, the System property "primavera.bootstrap.home" must also be set to the location of the installation directory. This setting is used by the server to find the BREBootStrap.xml file.

In This Section

Accessing Data in the API

Example: Establishing a Session in Local Mode

Example: Establishing a Session in Remote Mode

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024