
Session is the main class used for communicating with the server. To establish a valid session, a static login method is used. The session reference can then be used to access other main objects, such as the EnterpriseLoadManager.

To log in, a valid database instance must be specified if multiple database instances are defined in the current configuration. Use the Administrator tool to see the settings of your configuration. If multiple configurations are defined in the database, check the "name" attribute of the Bootstrap\Configurations\BRE element in the BREBootStrap.xml file to determine the configuration used by your server installation.

Before logging in, you can retrieve a list of available database instances by calling Session.getDatabaseInstances().

Note: The only difference in client code for Local Mode and Remote Mode is the call to Session.getDatabaseInstances() and Session.login(). For Remote Mode, the code must specify the URL of the RMI server. You can use com.primavera.integration.client.RMIURL to generate the RMI URL for different remote modes: Standard, Compression, or SSL.

Session is not a singleton, which means you can establish multiple simultaneous communication sessions with various servers and/or database instances. This can be useful for integrating with multiple Oracle Primavera databases.

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024