About P6 Team Member

The P6 Team Member is designed for individual contributors, or team members, to record their statuses and report their time using timesheets. Team members can also use Email Statusing Service and P6 mobile to status their activities. P6 mobile allows access to P6 Team Member Web functionality. P6 Team Member Web, Email Statusing Service and the P6 mobile apps provide quick, convenient, and easy access to assigned activities using the platform or device that accommodates your line of work.

Your project manager uses P6 to create and update the project schedule and activity list. Depending on the project preferences the manager selected when creating the project in P6, the updates you make in the P6 Team Member Web, Email Statusing Service or P6 mobile will either apply immediately or require approval before they are applied to the project.

Work assignments in P6 Team Member are based on work distribution filters, or a team member being named as a resource assignment or an activity owner. As a team member, the P6 Team Member interfaces and the P6 mobile apps enable you to:

Timesheets enable project team members to use the web to communicate timesheets and activity statuses directly to their organization's database, regardless of their location. this ensure that project managers are always working with the most up-to-date project information, making it easier to plan resources or resolve conflicts.

P6 Team Member Web

You can use P6 Team Member Web to:

Email Statusing Service

You can use Email Statusing Service to:

Project managers can use Email Statusing Service to:

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024