Release 23.4 (Cloud)


Activities: Easily Identify Exceptions and Non-Work Days in Date Pickers

Use the Show Exceptions option in date pickers to switch on and off coding of the dates in the calendar part of the picker on the Activities and Assignments pages. When the option is switched on, the dates in the calendar part of the picker are color- and shape-coded to show whether the date is work time, non-work time, or an exception according to the project, resource, or global calendar. You can hover the mouse over the items in the legend at the bottom of the date picker to see the descriptions of the meaning of each coding.

Assignments: Easily Identify Exceptions and Non-Work Days in Date Pickers

Use the Show Exceptions option in date pickers to switch on and off coding of the dates in the calendar part of the picker on the Activities and Assignments pages. When the option is switched on, the dates in the calendar part of the picker are color- and shape-coded to show whether the date is work time, non-work time, or an exception according to the project, resource, or global calendar. You can hover the mouse over the items in the legend at the bottom of the date picker to see the descriptions of the meaning of each coding.

Ease of Use: Easily Identify Exceptions and Non-Work Days in Date Pickers

Use the Show Exceptions option in date pickers to switch on and off coding of the dates in the calendar part of the picker on the Activities and Assignments pages. When the option is switched on, the dates in the calendar part of the picker are color- and shape-coded to show whether the date is work time, non-work time, or an exception according to the project, resource, or global calendar. You can hover the mouse over the items in the legend at the bottom of the date picker to see the descriptions of the meaning of each coding.

Importing and Exporting: CPP Export Feature Enhanced

From P6, you can export multiple projects to CPP format at the same time. Relationships to activities outside the set of projects being exported are represented by relationships to placeholder tasks with a subtype of SVT and with a task ID that starts with 'P6_SVT_'. However, inter-project relationships among the projects being exported together are represented as normal relationships and not replaced with SVT tasks. Mappings have been added for DS18 (Schedule EU), DS19 (Schedule Calendar Standard), and DS20 (Schedule Calendar Exception).

From P6 Professional when connected to an EPPM database, you can export multiple projects and their associated baselines in CPP format. Export templates for CPP format that have been created in P6 are available in P6 Professional. Exporting CPP format files from P6 Professional uses a job service in P6. Once the export process is complete, P6 Professional users can download the exported file from the Job Status dialog box in P6 Professional.

Importing and Exporting: Schedule the Export of Projects in XER Format

You can create project scheduled services to export projects to XER files.

Importing and Exporting: Greater Control Over Document Categories, Document Statuses, and WP and Docs are Imported

When you import XER and XML files, you can specify whether and how to import the categories and statuses applied to documents as well as WP and Docs themselves.

Scheduled Services: Run Project Scheduled Services Against Projects Assigned to a Code

You can run project scheduled services against a group of projects assigned to a specified project code value. When you select the projects to add to a scheduled service, select Project Codes from the Organize By list to group projects in the list according to their code assignments. You can select a project code value to assign, if you want the service to be run against all projects assigned to that project code value at the time the service runs.

Scheduled Services: Schedule the Export of Projects in XER Format

You can create project scheduled services to export projects to XER files.

Team Usage: View Codes and UDFs in Team Usage

Detail windows have been added to the Team Usage dock, allowing you to view the codes and UDFs assigned to the selected resource, role, or project.

P6 Professional

Refinement of Role Limit Calculation

If you choose to display the role limit calculated according to the primary resources' limits, you can choose to calculate the limit using only active resources in P6 Professional on the User Preferences, Resource Analysis tab.

CPP Export Feature Enhanced

From P6 Professional when connected to an EPPM database, you can export multiple projects and their associated baselines in CPP format. Export templates for CPP format that have been created in P6 are available in P6 Professional. Exporting CPP format files from P6 Professional uses a job service in P6. Once the export process is complete, P6 Professional users can download the exported file from the Job Status dialog box in P6 Professional.

Rename Duplicate Calendars

Duplicate calendars may inadvertently be created if multiple processes are

running in the background at the same time on the same data set. In this release, the issue has been resolved and with a one-time fix: Duplicate calendars are automatically renamed with a unique name.

P6 mobile

Usability Enhancements in P6 for iOS and P6 for Android

The following improvements enhance your experience using P6 for iOS and P6 for Android:

P6 for iOS Uses Your Default Email Client

You no longer need to have Apple Mail client configured to send emails from P6 for iOS. Email icons are now always available and P6 for iOS automatically opens your default email client when you tap to send an email from within the app.

P6 Team Member Web

Easier Identification of Status Reviews That Have Been Pending For a Long Time

When you track status reviews, you can now add columns to the grid that will make it easier for you to identify reviews that have been pending for the longest time. This allows you to prioritize more effectively the reviews that require your attention most urgently. The following columns have been added to the grid view format of the Status Updates Page: Held Date, Last Approved By, Last Approved Date, Pending For, Rejected By, Rejected Date, Resubmitted By, Resubmitted Date, Review Type, and Submitted Date.

Improved Search Functionality in P6 Team Member Web

When you search for activities in P6 Team Member Web, you can now define your search more clearly. In all areas you can search either in all fields of the activity, or by restricting your search to the Activity ID, Activity Name, WBS, or Activity Status fields. Additionally, when you add an existing activity to a timesheet, you can search the Project ID, Project Name, and Role ID fields and when staffing role assignments you can search the Role ID and Proficiency fields. In all cases you can specify that the search criteria should contain, not contain, start with, or end with your search text.

Alert Team Members if Their Update Might Cause Out-of-Sequence Activities

A setting on the Team Member tab of Project Preferences allows you to switch on a warning message that will alert team members that an update they attempt to make will put the activity out-of-sequence according to the schedule logic. The message list the predecessor activities whose relationships would be violated by the update. The team member can then choose whether to continue with their update or cancel.Greater Control Over Whether Team Members Can Enter Negative Hours on Timesheets

A new setting in P6 Team Member Web application settings allows you to prevent team members from entering a negative value in a timesheet cell. The setting is called 'Allow resource to enter negative hours against activities and assignments'.

An existing setting that determines whether the total hours for an activity can be less than zero has been renamed from 'Allow resources to enter negative hours' to 'Allow total hours to be negative'.

Prevent Users of P6 Team Member Viewing Discussions

A new project preferences option allows you to switch off the visibility of discussions for users of the P6 Team Member applications. The option is part of the 'Show fields in My Activities and Timesheets' setting, available on the Status Updates tab of the Team Member Page of the Project Preferences dialog box.

Bug Fixes

For a list of bug fixes made in P6 EPPM in 2023, see My Oracle Support (2922071.1)

Last Published Monday, August 12, 2024