Private Documents Tab of the My Documents Portlet (with content repository)


Use this tab to view your private documents, including documents that have been added using P6 Professional.

Screen Elements

Documents Portlet toolbar

See My Documents Portlet Toolbar.

Title field

The name of the document.

Version field

The version number of the document. Version 1 is the original version of the document.

If the version number is a link, you can click the link to view that version of the document.

Creation Date field

The date and time the selected document was created.

Modified Date field

The date and time the document was last modified.

Getting Here

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard
  3. Expand the My Documents portlet and click the Private Documents tab.

Related Topics

About Documents

About Document Reviews

Reviewing Documents

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024