Opening Projects from Dashboard Portlets

You can open projects from within certain project-related portlets such as My Projects or Project Health. You must have OBS access, be the owner, or assigned as a resource or activity owner in the project. In these portlets, wherever the project name appears as a link, you can click it to open the project in the Projects section.

Note: Not all portlets allow you to open projects in this fashion. For example, the Project Statistics and Schedule Performance portlets will not open the project when its project link is clicked. Instead, these portlets offer more detailed views into the data they represent.

To open a project from within a portlet:

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard tab.
  3. On the dashboard tab, expand the portlet and select a project.


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Dashboards Page

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024