Dates Columns of the Assignments Table

Activity Finish field

The finish date of the activity to which the assignment belongs. This is the planned finish if the activity has not started, the remaining finish if the activity is in progress, or the actual finish if the activity has completed.

Activity Start field

The start date of the activity to which the assignment belongs. This is the planned start date if the activity has not started, or the actual start date if the activity is in progress or completed.

Actual Finish field

The date on which the assignment was completed.

If the activity does not already have an Actual Finish date, the last assignment to set an Actual Finish date triggers the activity to have an Actual Finish date equal to the latest assignment's Actual Finish date when the assignment is saved.

Actual Start field

If the activity has started, the date work began on the activity.

If the activity does not have already have an Actual Start date, the first assignment to set an Actual Start date triggers the activity to have an Actual Start date equal to the activity's Planned Start date when the assignment is saved.

Finish field

The finish date for the assignment. For not started activities, this is the Planned Finish date. For in progress activities, this is the Remaining Finish date. For completed activities, this is the Actual Finish date.

Planned Finish field

The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started. This is the finish date that P6 Team Member Web timesheet users follow and that schedule variance is measured against.

Planned Start field

The date work on the assignment is scheduled to begin.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has been started. This is the start date that P6 Team Member Web timesheet users follow and schedule variance is measured against.

Remaining Early Finish field

The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the Planned Finish date.

Remaining Early Start field

The date the assignment is scheduled to begin.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the Planned Start date.

Remaining Late Finish field

The latest possible date the assignment must be finished to not delay the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.

Remaining Late Start field

The latest possible date the assignment must begin to not delay the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Start field

The start date for the assignment on the activity. For a not started assignment, this is the activity's Planned Start date. For a started assignment, this is the Actual Start date.

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024