Available Columns of the Activities Page


The following is a comprehensive list of all the columns/fields available to add to the table on the Activities page.

Screen Elements

Activity Count category

Activity Count field

The number of activities in the group.

Activity Resource Assignment Count field

The number of assigned resources.

Actual Completed Activities field

The number of activities that have an actual finish date.

Actual In-Progress Activities field

The number of activities that have an actual start date, but no actual finish date.

Actual Not-Started Activities field

The number of activities that have no actual start date.

BL Project Completed Activities field

The number of activities that should currently be completed, according to the project baseline.

BL Project In-Progress Activities field

The number of in-progress activities in the project baseline.

BL Project Not Started Activities field

The number of activities not started in the project baseline.

BL1 Completed Activities field

The number of activities that should be completed according to the primary baseline.

BL1 In-Progress Activities field

The number of activities that should be in progress according to the primary baseline.

BL1 Not Started Activities field

The number of activities that should be not started according to the primary baseline.

Activity Steps category

Step Count field

The number of steps assigned to the activity, WBS, or project.

Steps Completed field

The number of steps marked complete.

Steps In Progress field

The number of steps on which work has started but is not yet complete.

Steps Not Started field

The number of steps that are not yet started.

Costs category

Actual Expense Cost field

The actual cost for all project expenses associated with the activity.

Actual Labor Cost field

The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as the Actual Labor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Actual Material Cost field

The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity.

Actual Nonlabor Cost field

The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as the Activity Actual Nonlabor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Actual This Period Labor Cost field

The labor costs incurred during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Labor Cost minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Labor Cost fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Labor Cost is the same as Actual Labor Cost.

Actual This Period Material Cost field

The material costs incurred during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Material Cost minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Material Cost fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Material Cost is the same as Actual Material Cost.

Actual This Period Nonlabor Cost field

The nonlabor costs incurred during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Nonlabor Cost minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Nonlabor Cost fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Nonlabor Cost is the same as Actual Nonlabor Cost.

Actual Total Cost field

The actual total cost incurred for the activity as of the project data date.

Calculated as Actual Labor Cost plus Actual Nonlabor Cost plus Actual Material Cost plus Actual Expense Cost.

At Completion Expense Cost field

The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all expenses associated with the activity.

Calculated as Actual Expense Cost plus Remaining Expense cost.

At Completion Labor Cost field

The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

If the activity is not started, this equals the planned labor costs. If the activity is completed, this equals the actual labor costs.

Calculated as Actual Labor Cost plus Remaining Labor Cost.

At Completion Material Cost field

The material cost at completion. It is the sum of the actual and remaining costs for all material resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned material costs if the activity is not started, and the actual material costs once the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Material Cost plus Remaining Material Cost.

At Completion Nonlabor Cost field

The nonlabor cost at completion. The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned nonlabor costs if the activity is not started, and the actual nonlabor costs once the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Cost plus Remaining Nonlabor Cost.

At Completion Total Cost field

The estimated cost at completion for the activity.

Calculated as the Actual Total Cost plus the ETC (estimate-to-complete) cost. The method for computing ETC depends on the Earned Value technique selected for the activity's WBS.

BL Project Actual Expense Cost field

The actual cost for all project expenses associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Labor Cost field

The actual cost for all labor resources associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Material Cost field

The actual cost for all material resources associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Nonlabor Cost field

The actual cost for all nonlabor resources associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Total Cost field

The actual cost for all project expenses, labor, non-labor, and material resources associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Expense Cost field

The planned cost for all project expenses associated with the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Labor Cost field

The cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Material Cost field

The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Nonlabor Cost field

The cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Total Cost field

The total cost for the activity in the project baseline.

Calculated as BL Project Labor Cost plus BL Project Nonlabor Cost plus BL Project Material Cost plus BL Project Expense Cost.

BL1 Actual Expense Cost field

The actual cost for all project expenses associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Labor Cost field

The actual cost for all labor resources associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Material Cost field

The actual cost for all material resources associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Nonlabor Cost field

The actual cost for all nonlabor resources associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Total Cost field

The actual cost for all project expenses, labor, non-labor, and material resources associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Expense Cost field

The planned cost for all project expenses associated with the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Labor Cost field

The cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Material Cost field

The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Nonlabor Cost field

The cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Total Cost field

The total cost for the activity in the primary baseline.

Planned Expense Cost field

The planned total cost of all project expenses associated with the activity.

Planned Labor Cost field

The planned costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as Activity Planned Labor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Planned Material Cost field

The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Nonlabor Cost field

The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as Activity Planned Nonlabor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Planned Total Cost field

The planned total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, material resources, and project expenses.

Calculated as Planned Labor Cost plus Planned Nonlabor Cost plus Planned Material Cost plus Planned Expense Cost.

Remaining Expense Cost field

The remaining costs for all project expenses associated with the activity.

Remaining Labor Cost field

The remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as the Activity Remaining Labor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Remaining Material Cost field

The sum of all material resource remaining costs.

Remaining Nonlabor Cost field

The remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

If no resources are assigned, calculated as Activity Remaining Nonlabor Units multiplied by Project Default Price divided by Time.

Remaining Total Cost field

The remaining total cost for the activity, including labor resources, nonlabor resources, material resources, and project expenses.

Calculated as Remaining Labor Costs plus Remaining Nonlabor Costs plus Remaining Material Costs plus Remaining Expense Costs.

Variance BL Project - Expense Cost field

The difference between the baseline project expense cost and the at completion expense cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL Project Expense Cost minus At Completion Expense Cost.

Variance BL Project - Labor Cost field

The difference between the baseline planned labor cost and at completion labor cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Planned Labor Cost minus At Completion Labor Cost.

Variance BL Project - Material Cost field

The difference between baseline material cost and at completion material cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL Project Material Cost minus At Completion Material Cost.

Variance BL Project - Nonlabor Cost field

The difference between the baseline planned nonlabor cost and at completion nonlabor cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Planned Nonlabor Cost minus At Completion Nonlabor Cost.

Variance BL Project - Total Cost field

The difference between the baseline planned total cost and the at completion total cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Planned Total Cost minus At Completion Total Cost.

Variance BL1 - Expense Cost field

The difference between the primary baseline expense cost and the at completion expense cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Primary Baseline Expense Cost minus At Completion Expense Cost.

Variance BL1 - Labor Cost field

The difference between primary baseline labor cost and the at completion labor cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Labor Cost minus At Completion Labor Cost.

Variance BL1 - Material Cost field

The difference between the baseline planned material cost and the at completion material cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Material Cost minus At Completion Material Cost.

Variance BL1 - Nonlabor Cost field

The difference between the primary baseline nonlabor cost and the at completion nonlabor cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Nonlabor Cost minus At Completion Nonlabor Cost.

Variance BL1 - Total Cost field

The difference between the primary baseline total cost and the at completion total cost. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Total Cost minus At Completion Total Cost.

Dates category

Actual Finish field

The date on which the activity was completed.

Actual Start field

The date work on the activity began.

If resources (labor, nonlabor, or material) or roles are assigned to the activity, the actual start date is the earliest among all the resource or role assignments.

Anticipated Finish field

The expected finish date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated finish is the finish date listed for the item in the table.

The Anticipated Finish date is used as the Finish date if there are no activities assigned to the project or WBS.

Anticipated Start field

The expected start date of the project, EPS node, or WBS level used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated start is the start date listed for the item in the table.

The Anticipated Start date is used as the Start date if there are no activities assigned to the project or WBS.

BL Project Actual Finish field

The actual finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Start field

The actual start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Early Finish field

The early finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Early Start field

The early start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Finish field

The current latest finish date of all activities in the project baseline.

BL Project Late Finish field

The late finish date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Late Start field

The late start date of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Start field

The current earliest start date of all activities in the project baseline.

BL1 Actual Finish field

The actual finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Start field

The actual start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Early Finish field

The early finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Early Start field

The early start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Finish field

The current finish date of the activity in the primary baseline. Set to the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed.

BL1 Late Finish field

The late finish date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Late Start field

The late start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Start field

The current start date of the activity in the primary baseline.

This is set to the planned start date.

Early Finish field

The earliest possible date the activity can finish. Early finish dates can change as the project progresses and changes are made to the project management plan.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Early Start field

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. Early start dates can change as the project progresses and as changes are made to the project management plan. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Expected Finish field

The date on which the primary resource, the person who assigns the expected finish date, anticipates work on the activity will finish.

Only the primary resource can edit this field if the activity has started.

External Early Start field

The early start date for imported activities with external relationships to projects that do not exist in the database.

This field is the relationship early finish date when the lost relationship type is Finish to Start or Start to Start. When the relationship type is Start to Finish or Finish to Finish, this field is calculated as Relationship Early Finish Date minus Remaining Duration of the successor.

External Late Finish field

The late finish date for imported activities with external relationships to projects that do not exist in the database.

This field is the relationship early finish date when the lost relationship type is Finish to Start or Finish to Finish. When the relationship type is Start to Start or Start to Finish, this field is calculated as Relationship Late Start plus Remaining Duration of the predecessor.

Finish field

The current finish date for the activity. For not started activities, this is the planned finish date. For in-progress activities, this is the remaining early finish date. For completed activities, this is the actual finish date.

Late Finish field

The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Late Start field

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. If you schedule a project using Retained Logic this date will always be visible, even if an activity is completed.

Planned Finish field

The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Planned Start field

The date the activity is scheduled to start.

This date the activity is scheduled to begin is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.

Post Response Pessimistic Finish field

The Post Response Pessimistic Finish date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Post Response Pessimistic Start field

The Post Response Pessimistic Start date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Pre Response Pessimistic Finish field

The Pre Response Pessimistic Finish date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Pre Response Pessimistic Start field

The Pre Response Pessimistic Start date calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud during quantitative risk analysis.

Primary Constraint Date field

The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint. The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date.

Activity constraints are used by the project scheduler.

Remaining Early Finish field

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish.

If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project.

Remaining Early Start field

The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.

This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start.

Remaining Late Finish field

The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.

Remaining Late Start field

The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date.

This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationship, schedule constraints, and resource availability.

Resume Date field

The date when a suspended task or activity is resumed.

The resume date must be later than the suspend date and earlier than the actual finish date.

The suspend/resume period behaves like non-work time on the activity calendar.

Secondary Constraint Date field

The date for the activity's secondary constraint, if the activity has a secondary constraint.

The activity's constraint type determines whether this is a start date or finish date. This field is only available if a primary constraint has been selected.

Start field

The current start date of the activity. For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.

Suspend Date field

The date work has temporarily stopped on a given activity.

For example, an event might force an activity to be interrupted or resource constraints might put an activity on hold.

The suspend date must be later than the actual start date, which the activity must have. Activity progress can resume when the Resume Date is set. The suspend/resume period behaves like non-work time on the activity calendar or resource calendar for task and resource dependent activities.

Durations category

Actual Duration field

The total working time from the activity Actual Start date to the Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities.

The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.

At Completion Duration field

The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date.

The current start date is the planned start date until the activity is started, and then it is the actual start date. The current finish date is the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

BL Project Actual Duration field

The actual duration of the activity in the project baseline. The duration is the total working time from the activity actual start date to the actual finish date.

The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

BL Project Duration field

The duration of the activity in the project baseline. The duration is the total working time from the activity current start date to the current finish date.

Calculated as Actual Duration plus Remaining Duration.

The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

BL Project Free Float field

The free float of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Remaining Duration field

The remaining duration of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Total Float field

The total float of the activity in the project baseline.

BL1 Actual Duration field

The actual duration of the activity in the primary baseline. The duration is the total working time from the activity actual start date to the actual finish date.

The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

BL1 Duration field

The duration of the activity in the primary baseline. The duration is the total working time from the activity current start date to the current finish date.

Calculated as Actual Duration plus Remaining Duration.

The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

BL1 Free Float field

The free float of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Remaining Duration field

The remaining duration of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Total Float field

The total float of the activity in the primary baseline.

Free Float field

The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity.

Maximum Duration field

The longest duration for the activity. Required for three point estimation if quantitative risk analysis will be performed in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Minimum Duration field

The shortest duration for the activity. Required for three point estimation if quantitative risk analysis will be performed in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Most Likely Duration field

The most likely duration for the activity. Required for three point estimation if quantitative risk analysis will be performed in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Planned Duration field

The expected amount of time required to complete an activity.

The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.

Remaining Duration field

The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date.

The remaining working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. Before the activity is started, the remaining duration is the same as the planned duration. After the activity is completed the remaining duration is zero.

Remaining Float field

The amount of time remaining by which the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date.

Calculated as Late Finish minus Remaining Finish. If the remaining finish is the same as the early finish (in general, when the activity is not started), then the remaining float is the same as the total float.

Total Float field

The amount of time the activity can be delayed before risking a delay to the project finish date.

A float of zero hours indicates that the activity cannot be delayed at all and a negative float indicates that the project is already behind schedule. In a complex schedule, negative total float on some activities might not cause a delay to the project finish date.

Calculated as Late Start minus Early Start or as Late Finish minus Early Finish.

Variance BL Project - Duration field

The duration between the activity's baseline duration and the at completion duration. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Planned Duration minus At Completion Duration.

Variance BL Project - Finish Date field

The duration between the current project finish date in the baseline project finish date. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Finish minus BL Project Finish.

Variance BL Project - Start Date field

The duration between the current project start date and the baseline start date. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Start minus BL Project Start.

Variance BL1 - Duration field

The duration between the activity's primary baseline duration and the at completion duration. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Duration minus At Completion Duration.

Variance BL1 - Finish Date field

The duration between the current project finish date and the primary baseline finish date. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Finish minus BL1 Finish.

Variance BL1 - Start Date field

The duration between the current project start date and the primary baseline start date. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as Start minus BL1 Start.

Earned Value category

Accounting Variance field

The difference between the planned value of work scheduled and the actual cost of work performed.

A negative value indicates that actual costs have exceeded the scheduled costs.

Calculated as Planned Value minus Actual Cost.

Accounting Variance - Labor Units field

The difference between the planned value of work scheduled and the actual work performed.

A negative value indicates that actual costs have exceeded the scheduled costs.

Calculated as Planned Value Labor Units minus Actual Units.

Budget At Completion field

The planned total cost through activity completion.

Calculated as Planned Labor Cost plus Planned Nonlabor Cost plus Planned Expense Cost and Planned Material Cost.

Budget At Completion - Labor Units field

The planned total cost for labor units through activity completion.

Cost Performance Index field

A measure of the value of work accomplished as a percentage of the actual costs of an activity or WBS.

Cost Performance Index (CPI) indicates whether you have spent money over the budget to date.

On the My Preferences page, you can set performance thresholds for CPI calculated values to determine whether you need to take corrective action.

Calculated as Earned Value Cost divided by Actual Cost. A value less than 1 indicates that the actual cost has exceeded the planned value.

Cost Performance Index - Labor Units field

A measure of work efficiency on a WBS or activity.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Actual Labor Units. A value less than 1 indicates that the actual units have exceeded the planned units.

Cost Variance field

A measure of cost performance on an activity or WBS.

A negative value indicates that the actual cost has exceeded the planned value.

Calculated as Earned Value minus Actual Cost.

Cost Variance - Labor Units field

The difference between the earned value labor units and the actual value labor units.

A negative value indicates that actual costs have exceeded the value of work performed.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units minus Actual Labor Units.

Cost Variance Index field

The ratio of the cost variance and the earned value of work performed on the WBS or activity.

Calculated as Cost Variance divided by Earned Value.

Cost Variance Index - Labor Units field

The ratio of the cost variance labor units and the earned value labor units for the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Cost Variance Labor Units divided by Earned Value Labor Units.

Earned Value Cost field

The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date.

Budget at completion is calculated from the baseline.

Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The method for computing performance percent complete depends on the Earned Value technique selected for the activity's WBS.

Earned Value Labor Units field

The portion of baseline labor units that are complete as of the project data date.

Activity Level:

Calculated as BL Project Labor Units or BL1 Labor Units, depending on project settings, multiplied by Performance % Complete.

WBS Level:

Calculated as BL Project Labor Units multiplied by Performance % Complete.

Estimate At Completion - Labor Units field

The estimated labor units at completion of the activity.

Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Estimate to Complete Labor Units. The Estimate to Complete Labor Units calculation is based off of the earned value setting for the WBS.

Estimate At Completion Cost field

The expected total cost of a schedule activity, a work breakdown structure component, or the project when the defined scope of work will be completed.

Calculated as Actual Cost plus Estimate to Complete Cost. The method for calculating estimate to complete depends on the earned value technique selected for the activity's WBS.

Estimate To Complete field

The estimated cost to complete the activity or WBS.

Calculated as either the Remaining Total Cost for the activity, or as Performance Factor multiplied by (Budget At Completion minus Earned Value), depending on the earned-value technique selected for the activity's WBS. Budget at completion is calculated from the project baseline.

Estimate To Complete Labor Units field

The estimated quantity to complete the activity or WBS.

Calculated as either the Remaining Total Units for the activity or as Performance Factor multiplied by (BL Labor Units minus Earned Value) depending on the earned-value technique selected for the activity's WBS.

Planned Value Cost field

The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date.

Also known as the work scheduled to be performed for the activity. The schedule percent complete specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration has been completed so far. Budget at completion is calculated from the baseline.

Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.

Planned Value Labor Units field

The product of the budget at completion and the schedule percent complete.

The schedule percent complete specifies how much of the activity's baseline duration has been completed so far. Budget at completion is calculated from the baseline.

Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.

Schedule Performance Index field

A measure of the work accomplished as a percentage of the work scheduled.

Schedule Performance Index indicates whether you are meeting earned and planned values within your schedule. A value less than 1 indicates that less work was performed than was scheduled.

Calculated as Earned Value divided by Planned Value.

Schedule Performance Index - Labor Units field

The ratio of the earned value of labor units to the planned value of labor units.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.

Schedule Variance field

The measure of schedule performance on a project.

A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.

Calculated as Earned Value minus Planned Value.

Schedule Variance - Labor Units field

The difference between the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed.

Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units minus Planned Value Labor Units.

Schedule Variance Index field

The ratio of the schedule variance and the work scheduled to be performed.

Calculated as Schedule Variance divided by Planned Value.

Schedule Variance Index - Labor Units field

The ratio of schedule variance labor units and the planned value labor units.

Calculated as Schedule Variance Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.

To Complete Performance Index field

The ratio of the remaining work to the remaining funds.

Calculated as (Budget at Completion minus Earned Value) divided by (Estimate at Completion minus Actual Units or Cost).

Variance At Completion field

The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun.

Budget At Completion is calculated from the current baseline.

Calculated as Budget At Completion minus Estimate At Completion.

Variance At Completion - Labor Units field

The difference between the baseline planned total labor units and the estimate at completion labor units.

Calculated as Project Baseline Planned Total Labor Units minus Estimate At Completion Labor Units.

General category

Activity ID field

The unique identifier of the activity.

In order to identify and track activities, P6 assigns each activity a unique Activity ID that is the result of joining the Activity ID Prefix with the Activity ID Suffix and then adding an Increment value.

For example, a prefix of PROJ-A# combined with a suffix of 2500 and an Increment of 5 will yield the following activity IDs: PROJ-A#2500, PROJ-A#2505, etc.

Activity Leveling Priority list

Determines the priority of the activity when performing resource leveling.

Activity Name field

The name of the activity.

The activity name does not have to be unique.

Activity Status list

Determines the status of the activity.

Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.

Activity Type list

Determines how duration and schedule dates are calculated for an activity.

Task Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the activity's calendar rather than the calendars of the assigned resources. Choose task dependent when you want to control the duration of the activity yourself (that is, no resources are assigned), or when one or more resources assigned to the same activity can work according to the same calendar. For example, you might have an activity to cure concrete; you know how long the task takes and the addition of resources won't complete the task any earlier. You would designate this activity as task dependent.

Resource Dependent: Activities are scheduled using the calendars of the assigned resources. This type is used when several resources are assigned to the activity, but they might work separately. Choose resource dependent when you want to schedule each resource according to his/her own time schedule, or resource calendar, not the activity calendar. The assigned resource availability determines the start and finish dates of the activity. Typically, you use this type when multiple resources assigned to the same activity can work independently, or when availability can affect the activity's duration. For example, an activity that requires an Inspector might be delayed if that resource is assigned to multiple projects or is on vacation.

Level of Effort: Activities have a duration that is determined by its dependent activities and are typically administration type. Choose level of effort to indicate that the activity's duration depends on its predecessor and/or successor activities. A level of effort activity is usually one that is ongoing, such as clerical work, Change Management, or project management tasks. For example, site cleanup could be considered a level of effort activity; it occurs repeatedly and is dependent on the completion of a phase.

Start or Finish Milestone: Milestone activities are zero-duration without resources, marking a significant project event. Choose start milestone or finish milestone to indicate that the activity marks the beginning or end of a major stage in the project. Milestones have zero duration. A primary resource or an activity owner, and expenses can be assigned to a milestone. In an office building addition project, examples of milestones might include Project Definition Complete, Structure Complete, or End Bidding Process.

WBS Summary: Activities that are used to aggregate date, duration, and percent complete values for a group of activities that share a common WBS code level. Choose WBS Summary to indicate that the activity is a summary-level WBS activity. A WBS Summary activity represents a group of activities that share a common WBS level. The summary-level WBS activity enables roll-ups of dates for the activity group. The duration of a WBS Summary activity extends from the start of the earliest activity in a group to the finish of the latest activity. WBS codes control which activities are part of a WBS Summary activity; P6 incorporates any activities that share a component of the WBS Summary activity's WBS code into the WBS Summary activity. For example, all activities whose WBS codes begin with A (A.1, A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of one WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A. At a lower level, all activities whose WBS codes start with A.1 (A.1.1, A.1.2, etc.) can be part of a WBS Summary activity whose WBS code is A.1.

Added By field

The name of the user who added the activity to the project.

Added Date field

The date the activity was inserted into the project, showN in your timezone..

Auto Compute Actuals option

Determines whether the activity actual and remaining units, and start and finish dates for the resource are calculated automatically using the planned dates, planned units, and the activity's schedule percent complete.

If this option is selected, the actual/remaining units and actual dates are automatically updated when project actuals are applied. This assumes that all work by the resource proceeds according to plan.

Note: This option is not available if the Uses Timesheets option is selected.

BL Project Activity Status field

The status of the activity in the project baseline.

BL1 Activity Status field

The status of the activity in the primary baseline.

Calendar field

The calendar assigned to the activity.

CBS field

The Primavera Unifier Cost Breakdown Sheet to which you want to link an activity, assignment or expense.

Cost Account IDs field

The identifying codes of the cost accounts assigned to the activity.

Cost Account Names field

The name(s) of the cost accounts assigned to the activity.

Critical option

Determines whether the activity is critical.

An activity is critical when its total float is below the critical duration specified for the project. Delaying critical activities will delay the finish date of the project.

Duration Type list

Determines how remaining duration, units, and units/time are calculated when you update an activity that has resources assigned. The activity's duration type should correspond to the dominant factor, that is, the least flexible factor in the project: schedule, costs/work effort, or resource availability.

Fixed Units/Time: The resource units per time are constant when the activity duration or units are changed. Use this duration type when an activity has fixed resources with fixed productivity output per time period.

Fixed Duration & Units/Time: The activity duration is constant as the units or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period regardless of the resources assigned.

Fixed Units: The activity units are constant when the duration or resource units per time are changed. Use this duration type when the total amount of work is fixed, and increasing the resources can decrease the activity duration.

Fixed Duration & Units: The duration and units remain constant as the units/time are changed. Use this duration type when the activity must be completed within a fixed time period and the total amount of work is fixed.

Financial Period Calendar field

The name of the financial period calendar assigned to the project.

Last Modified By field

The name of the user who last modified the activity.

Last Modified Date field

The date the activity was last updated.

Location field

The geographical location.

Longest Path option

Determines critical activities base on the sequence of driving activities that determine the project end date.

Owner field

The user responsible for the activity.

Post-Response Criticality Index field

Shows the percentage of time the activity in Oracle Primavera Cloud was on the critical path during quantitative post-response risk analysis.

Pre-Response Criticality Index field

Shows the percentage of time the activity in Oracle Primavera Cloud was on the critical path during quantitative pre-response risk analysis.

Primary Constraint list

The primary constraint type for the selected activity.

Primary Resource field

The person primarily responsible for performing or overseeing work related to a specific activity.

The first resource you assign to an activity is automatically identified as the activity's primary resource.

Project ID field

The unique identifying code for the project associated with the activity.

Project Name field

The name of the project associated with the activity.

Project Status list

The current state of the project or WBS element. For activities, this field reflects the current state of its parent WBS or project. The status type determines how project, WBS, activity, and resource assignment data are handled by applications within P6 EPPM.

The status you assign to a project automatically applies to all its WBS elements and their activities. By default, when you create and save a new WBS, it automatically inherits the Project Status value of its parent WBS or project; however, subject to certain logical constraints, you can change the individual status of a WBS. For example, within an Active project you can designate WBS elements that are Active, Inactive, and Planned. The following status values can appear in this field:

Active: This is the default setting for new projects. Use this status to reflect actual authorized WBS or project work at your organization. When you designate a project as Active, P6 Team Member Web timesheet users can view all activities included in its active WBS elements. Depending on their timesheet privileges, users may also be able to assign themselves to and perform work on activities that are included in an active WBS element.

Inactive: Use this status to designate a WBS or project that is on hold, terminated, or no longer active. Select the Resources can view activities from an inactive project option on the Team Member page of the Project Preferences dialog box to allow P6 Team Member Web timesheet users to view, but not edit, activities that are included in an inactive WBS element or project.

Planned: Use this status to designate a project or WBS that is in its planning phase. If a WBS element's status is Planned, P6 Team Member Web timesheet users cannot view any of its activities. This prevents P6 Team Member Web timesheet users from assigning themselves to and performing work on unauthorized activities not yet officially designated Active.

What If: This status can only be designated at the project level. Use this status to designate a project is only being considered or is undergoing analysis before establishing a more defined project schedule. When a project's status is What If, P6 Team Member Web timesheet users cannot view any of its activities. This prevents P6 Team Member Web timesheet users from assigning themselves to and performing work on unauthorized activities not yet officially designated Active.

Reflection projects created in P6 Professional appear in P6 as What If projects.

Requested: This status is set automatically for projects associated with certain types of project initiation and project request workflows.

Template: This status appears in this field only for template projects or for a WBS element that belongs to a template project. This status is set by P6; you cannot directly set this value.

Review Required option

Determines whether activity updates made in P6 Team Member interfaces require review.

Secondary Constraint field

The secondary constraint type for the selected activity.

This field is only available if a primary constraint has been selected.

Unread Comments field

The number of comments posted to the activity since you last reviewed the comments in the Discussion detail window.

WBS field

The name of the WBS element.

WBS Category field

The category of the selected WBS.

Use this category to organize, filter, and report WBS information in all projects. The category applies to this WBS in all projects to which the WBS item is assigned.

WBS Code field

The unique identifier of the WBS for the associated activity.

Work Package ID field

The ID of the work package in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Work Package Name field

The name of the work package in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

Lists category

Expenses field

The expenses assigned to the activity.

Notebook Topics field

The name of the notebook topics assigned to the activity.

Predecessor Details field

The activities required to start or finish before the activity starts or finishes, including the relationship types and lags applicable to the relationships. The column shows a comma separated list of the IDs of the predecessor activities, their relationship types (as "SS", "SF", "FS" or "FF") and the duration of any lag applied to the relationships. If lag duration is zero, it is not shown.

Predecessors field

The activities required to start or finish before the activity starts or finishes, depending on the relationship type.

Resource IDs field

The identifiers of the resources assigned to the activity.

Resource Names field

The names of the resources assigned to the activity.

Role IDs field

The identifiers of the roles assigned to the activity.

Roles field

The name of the roles assigned to the activity resources.

Steps field

The names of the steps assigned to the activity.

Sucessor Details field

The activities required to start or finish after the activity has started or finished, including the relationship types and lags applicable to the relationships. The column shows a comma separated list of the IDs of the successor activities, their relationship types (as "SS", "SF", "FS" or "FF") and the duration of any lag applied to the relationships. If lag duration is zero, it is not shown.

Successors field

The activities required to start or finish after the activity has started or finished, depending on the relationship type.

Multiple Float Paths category

Float Path field

The integer representing the critical path this activity is on.

Value 1 is the most critical path, and value 2 is the second most critical path.

Float Path Order field

The integer representing the order in which this object was found on one of the critical paths.

Percent Complete category

Activity % Complete field

The percent of the activity that has been completed.

The calculation is based on the formula for the selected Percent Complete Type. The Percent Complete Type can be Units, Duration, Physical, or Scope.

If the selected activity's percent complete type is Duration, the percent complete is calculated as (Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration) divided by Planned Duration.

If the activity's percent complete type is Units, the percent complete is calculated as (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units) divided by (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Labor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units).

If the activity's percent complete type is Physical, either the user records the percent complete manually or the field is set to calculate using steps. To calculate using steps, the Calculate Activity % Complete from activity steps option must be set in Project Preferences.

If the activity's percent complete type is Scope, the percent complete is calculated by Oracle Primavera Cloud and cannot be modified in P6.

BL Project % Complete Type field

The % complete type of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Activity % Complete field

The activity % complete of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Cost % Complete field

The cost % complete of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Duration % Complete field

The duration % complete of the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Units % Complete field

The units % complete of the activity in the project baseline.

BL1 % Complete Type field

The % complete type of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Activity % Complete field

The activity % complete of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Cost % Complete field

The cost % complete of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Duration % Complete field

The duration % complete of the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Units % Complete field

The units % complete of the activity in the primary baseline.

Cost % Complete field

The percent complete of costs for all labor resources, nonlabor resources, and expenses for the activity.

Calculated as Actual Total Cost divided by At Completion Total Cost multiplied by 100.

Cost % of Planned field

The percent complete of planned costs for all labor resources, nonlabor resources, and expenses for the activity.

Calculated as Actual Total Cost divided by BL Planned Total Cost multiplied by 100. The value can exceed 100. The baseline total cost is the activity's at completion cost from the current baseline.

Duration % Complete field

The duration percent complete for the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration divided by Planned Duration multiplied by 100. The value is always between 0 and 100. P6 always calculates Duration % Complete from the Planned Duration and Remaining Duration, even if you enter Duration % Complete manually. For example, if an activity has an Planned Duration of 25.57h and you enter 90% for Duration % Complete P6 will calculate the Remaining Duration as 2.55h and will correct the Duration % Complete to 90.03%.

Duration % of Planned field

The actual duration percent of planned duration for the activity.

The baseline duration is the activity's at completion duration from the project baseline.

Calculated as Actual Duration divided by BL Duration multiplied by 100. The value can exceed 100.

Expense Cost % Complete field

The percent complete of cost for all expenses associated with the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Actual Expense Cost divided by At Completion Expense Cost multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Labor Cost % Complete field

The percent complete of costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Actual Labor Cost divided by At Completion Labor Cost multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Labor Units % Complete field

The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Actual Labor Units divided by At Completion Labor Units multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Material Cost % Complete field

The percent complete of costs for all material resources assigned to the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Actual Material Cost divided by At Complete Material Cost multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Nonlabor Cost % Complete field

The percent complete of costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity or WBS.

Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Cost divided by At Completion Nonlabor Cost multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Nonlabor Units % Complete field

The percent complete of units for all nonlabor resources for the activity, WBS, or project.

Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units divided by At Completion Nonlabor Units multiplied by 100. Always in the range 0 to 100.

Percent Complete Type list

Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity.

This default activity percent complete type will be applied to all new activities added to a project. If you change this setting for an existing project that has activities, the percent complete type of those existing activities will not be changed.

Performance % Complete field

The percentage of the activity planned work that is currently complete.

Performance % Complete is used to calculate earned value. It can be based on the activity percent complete, on the 0/100 rule, on the 50/50 rule, depending on the technique for computing earned-value percent complete for the activity's WBS.

Physical % Complete field

The activity percent complete, which is either user-entered or calculated from activity steps.

To calculate Physical % Complete from activity steps, the Calculate Activity % Complete from activity steps option must be enabled for the project.

Schedule % Complete field

The activity schedule percent complete, which specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration is complete so far.

Calculated based on where the current data date falls relative to the activity's project baseline start and finish dates.

If the data date is earlier than the baseline start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the baseline finish, the schedule percent complete is 100. The schedule percent complete indicates how much of the activity duration should currently be complete, relative to the selected project baseline.

Scope % Complete field

The percent complete for the activity if the percent complete type is set to scope. Scope is calculated in Oracle Primavera Cloud when P6 is integrated with Oracle Primavera Cloud for scope management.

Units % Complete field

The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

The percent complete is always in the range 0 to 100.

Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.

Timesheet Feedback category

Feedback from Resource field

The notes received from the resource.

New Feedback option

Determines whether there is new information about this activity which has not yet been reviewed. If the option is not selected, then there is no new feedback or the feedback has already been reviewed.

Review Finish Date field

The finish date for the activity as proposed by the primary resource.

If the project manager approves the activity finish date, the review finish date is copied to the actual finish.

Review Status list

The activity review status.

Primary resources can set the status to For Review when they believe the activity is completed, but a primary resource is not allowed to mark activities as completed.

Units category

Actual Labor Units field

The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

Actual Nonlabor Units field

The number of nonlabor units that have been expended on the activity.

Actual This Period Labor Units field

The number of labor units used during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Labor Units minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Labor Units fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Labor Units is the same as Actual Labor Units.

Actual This Period Nonlabor Units field

The nonlabor units used during this financial period.

If period performance is stored, the calculation is Actual Nonlabor Units minus the sum of the stored Actual This Period Nonlabor Units fields for all previous periods.

If the period performance is not stored, Actual This Period Nonlabor Units is the same as Actual Nonlabor Units.

At Completion Labor Units field

The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned labor units if the activity is not started, and the actual labor units once the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Remaining Labor Units.

At Completion Nonlabor Units field

The non labor units at completion. The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.

It is the same as the planned nonlabor units if the activity is not started, and the actual nonlabor units once the activity is completed.

Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units.

BL Project Actual Labor Units field

The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Actual Nonlabor Units field

The actual units for all actual nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Labor Units field

The units for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL Project Nonlabor Units field

The units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the project baseline.

BL1 Actual Labor Units field

The actual units for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Actual Nonlabor Units field

The actual units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

BL1 Labor Units field

The units for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

Calculated as Baseline Actual Labor Units plus Baseline Remaining Labor Units.

BL1 Nonlabor Units field

The units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the primary baseline.

Planned Labor Units field

The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

Planned Nonlabor Units field

The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project.

Remaining Labor Units field

The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.

The Remaining Labor Units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, the remaining units are zero.

Remaining Nonlabor Units field

The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities.

The remaining units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, there are zero remaining units.

Variance BL Project - Labor Units field

The difference between baseline labor units and at completion labor units. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL Project Labor Units minus At Completion Labor Units.

Variance BL Project - Nonlabor Units field

The difference between the baseline nonlabor units and the at completion nonlabor units. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL Project Nonlabor Units minus At Completion Nonlabor Units.

Variance BL1 - Labor Units field

The difference between primary baseline labor units and the at completion labor units. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Labor Units minus At Completion Labor Units.

Variance BL1 - Nonlabor Units field

The difference between the primary baseline nonlabor units and the at completion nonlabor units. Baseline variance columns only use data from visible activities. If you need to see variance for the whole project, remove any filters applied to the view.

Calculated as BL1 Nonlabor Units minus At Completion Nonlabor Units.

WBS General category

Anticipated Finish field

The expected finish date of the project used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated finish is the finish date listed for the project in the table.

Anticipated Start field

The expected start date of the project used during the planning phase. This date is manually entered and is not affected by scheduling.

If there are no children elements, the anticipated start is the start date listed for the project in the table.

Contains Summary Data option

Determines whether the project has been summarized. If the checkbox is marked, the project has been summarized.

Integrated Application option

Determines whether the WBS was created in an application which has been integrated with P6. You cannot edit this WBS in P6.

Integrated WBS option

Determines whether this WBS is shared with Primavera Gateway when sharing a partial WBS structure.

Parent field

The name of the WBS that is the parent of the selected WBS.

In this context, the selected WBS has inherited the attributes of its parent and is formed one level beneath its parent in the hierarchy.

Project Status field

The current state of the project or WBS element.

Proposed Budget field

The proposed budget for the WBS.

Calculated as Original Budget plus the sum of the Approved and Pending budget changes from the budget log.

Responsible Manager field

The organizational breakdown structure (OBS) responsible for completion of the WBS tasks.

Status Reviewers field

The people designated to review and approve team member status updates for activities in the selected WBS.

WBS field

The name of the WBS element.

WBS Category field

The category of the selected WBS.

Use this category to organize, filter, and report WBS information in all projects. The category applies to this WBS in all projects to which the WBS item is assigned.

WBS Code field

The unique identifier of the WBS.

WBS Path field

A series of WBS codes that represent the position of the WBS within the project hierarchy.

For example, if you have a parent WBS named WBS1, a child named WBS2, and WBS2 has a child called WBS3, the WBS Path for WBS3 is WBS1.WBS2.WBS3.

Global Activity Codes category

This category contains global activity codes listed in alphabetical order.

EPS Activity Codes category

This category contains EPS activity codes listed in alphabetical order.

Project Activity Codes category

This category contains project activity codes listed in alphabetical order.

Project Codes category

This category contains project codes listed in alphabetical order.

Activity User Defined category

This category contains activity user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

WBS User Defined category

This category contains WBS user defined columns listed in alphabetical order.

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024