Portfolio View Portlet of the Dashboards Page


Use this portlet to analyze project data for an entire portfolio in a chart or scorecard format. You can customize the exact data fields you want to display and the type of chart or scorecard you want to view. When displaying a scorecard, you can also add and delete projects, export data, and even edit certain project data. As you analyze data for a project group, you might identify issues with a particular project or require more detailed project information. In this case, click Open Project.

Screen Elements

Title field

The name of the portfolio view. The title can contain up to 255 characters, and it does not have to be unique.

A visual indicator appears before the title to help you identify the type of view and determine whether it is available to just you or shared globally by all users. For example, you might see the user histogram icon for a personal histogram called Spending for My Projects, and the global histogram icon for a shared histogram called Spending for All Projects.

Screen Elements for Charts

The following screen elements apply only to bubble, histogram, and pie chart portfolio views (not scorecards).

Portfolio Chart

Displays a bubble chart, histogram chart, or pie chart, depending on your selection.

Portfolio Scorecard

Enables you to view the actual source data used to generate the chart.

Customize link

Opens a dialog box for modifying how the information is presented in the chart.

Screen Elements for Scorecards

The following screen elements apply only to scorecard portfolio views.

Note: You must maximize the portlet to view all the available options.

Save link

Saves any changes made to project data within the current portfolio.

Cancel link

Cancels any pending changes made to project data within the current portfolio.

Add link

Creates a new What If project within the current portfolio.

Note: The first time you click this link in the portlet, the Add Project dialog box appears prompting you to select the default Responsible Manager for all newly created projects.

Delete link

Deletes the currently selected project from the database.

Expand link

Shows the contents of each group. To show the contents of individual groups, click Expand beside the group title.

Collapse link

Hides the contents of each group. To hide the contents of individual groups, click Collapse beside the group title.

Export Spreadsheet link

Exports the scorecard data to a spreadsheet file.

Customize link

Enables you to set the applicable options for the portfolio view including choosing columns for the scorecard and setting grouping options.

Scorecard table

The scorecard presents its data in a table or spreadsheet format. You can customize the fields displayed as columns.

Total summary row

Dates, sums, and other totals calculated from all the data in the scorecard.

Open Project icon

Opens the selected project in the Projects section. The default destination page (EPS, Activities, etc.) is determined by your user interface view settings and My Preferences page view settings.


Getting Here

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard.
  3. On the dashboard, expand the Portfolio View portlet.

Related Topics

About Portlets

List of Portlets

Creating Portfolio View Portlets

Customizing Portfolio View Portlets

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024