Project Notebooks Portlet of the Dashboards Page


Use this portlet to view all notebooks assigned to the selected project. In a dashboard, the Project Notebooks portlet displays all of the notebooks assigned to the projects that meet the dashboard's selected filter criteria.

Notebooks are used to store and share notes relating to a project. When you add notes for a given notebook topic, you can enter text and use HTML editing features such as formatting text and lists, inserting pictures, adding hyperlinks and Email links, and inserting tables.

Screen Elements

Notebook Topic field

The name of the notebook topic.

Click the name of a notebook topic to edit the description using the work area and Text Editor Toolbar.

Description field

The notes for the notebook topic.

For example, you might copy an email message, a web link, a table of observations, and a series of text notes into a notebook topic called Budget Recommendations to capture the ongoing cost impacts of a recurring project.

Getting Here

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard.
  3. On the dashboard, expand the Project Notebooks portlet.

Related Topics

About Notebooks

About Notebook Topics

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024