My Projects Portlet of the Dashboards Page


Use this portlet to view projects you are the owner of, have OBS access to, or are assigned to as a resource or as an activity owner. The portlet displays the project start and finish dates, current percent complete, date last summarized, and the project owner. You can click a project name link to open the project.

Screen Elements

Name field

The name of the project.

The icon next to the project name indicates your association with the project, the type of project, and its check-out status.

Start Date field

The current start date of the project. For a not started project, this is the project's planned start date. For a project that has started or is complete, this is the project's actual start date. For projects with no activities, the start date is equal to the anticipated start date if one is defined; if no anticipated start is defined, then the start date is equal to the project's planned start date.

Finish Date field

The current finish date of the project. For not started and in-progress projects, this is the latest early finish date from all activities in the project. For completed projects, this is the latest actual finish date derived from all activities. For projects with no activities, the Finish Date is equal to the Anticipated Finish date if one is defined. For projects with no activities and no Anticipated Finish date, the Finish Date field is blank.

Percent Complete field

The project duration percent complete.

Calculated as (Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration) divided by Planned Duration. This field is blank for projects that have not been summarized.

Last Summarized field

The date the project was last summarized. This is useful for assessing whether summary data for the project is current.

This field is blank for projects that have not been summarized.

Project Owner field

The resource designated as responsible for the project.

The project owner designation provides a user with viewing access for the project.


Getting Here

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard.
  3. On the dashboard, expand the My Projects portlet.

Related Topics

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List of Portlets

About Projects

Customizing Portlets

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024