Working with Email Notifications

If available on the current page, portlet, or dialog box, you can click Email or Send Email to manually send an email message.

P6 provides the following email notifications. Follow the summary steps below (or, if needed, see more detailed task topics) to configure automatic Email notifications for a particular item.


In general, you should have an email address stored in your user account to send Email and recipient users should have an email address stored in their user accounts to receive email. The email accounts are required in order to send email to users by selecting them from a list. They are then automatically applied to the email message. However, it is also possible to manually enter a recipient's email address in the Email dialog box just before sending the message.

To use the Notifications feature, your administrator will enable settings in Primavera P6 Administrator and configure it for use with a mail server.

After notifications are enabled, each individual can specify their personal notification preferences enumerated below:

Related Topics

Sending Email about Documents

Sending Email about Issues

Sending Email about Timesheets to Resources

Sending Email to a Project Manager

Sending Email to Project Resources

Sending Email to Resource Teams

Updating the Progress of Activities Using Email Statusing Service

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024