Searching for Entries

The application provides similar search tools wherever they are required to help you search for matching entries. For example, if you create a new issue while viewing a project on the Activities page, one of the required fields you'll need to complete is called Responsible Manager. To complete the field, you can either type a value if known, or click to open the Select Responsible Manager dialog box. If you open the dialog box, you can use the search field provided to search for a particular name in the OBS rather than manually click through all the OBS entries. As another example, when you open projects, templates, or portfolios, you can use the search tools to find matches by name or ID.

To search for matching entries:

  1. If a search button such as Search is available, click it to show the Search field. If not, proceed to the next step.
  2. In the Search field, enter your search criteria and the search results will automatically narrow as you type.


    • If no search options are available, the current page or dialog box does not support searching.
    • Common dialog boxes in which you are asked to select a value (accessible by clicking Select a Value throughout the application) often include search features.

Related Topics

Working with Find, Search, and Filter Features

Finding Entries

Replacing Entries

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024