Exchanging P6 data with Primavera Unifier

Once you have linked a P6 project to a Primavera Unifier project and schedule or summary sheet and optionally assigned CBS values to those activities you want to send to Primavera Unifier, you can send data to Primavera Unifier. You can either send projects ad hoc or, if you are using schedule sheet integration, you can set up a Project Scheduled Service to send the data on a regular basis. If you are using summary sheet integration, your Primavera Gateway Administrator can set up processes to send the data on a regular basis.

Caution: Check with your administrator what type of integration you are using and which actions you should use. Choosing the incorrect integration type or using the incorrect action could result in data corruption.

To send projects to Primavera Unifier using a Project Scheduled Service (schedule sheet integration only):

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Scheduled Services.
  3. On the Scheduled Services page, select Project.
  4. Click Add and select Send to Schedule Sheet.
  5. Type a name in the Service Name field.
  6. Select or clear the Enable Service option.
  7. In the Project Settings detail window:
    1. Enter or select values for all the other fields.
  8. Click Save.

To send projects to Primavera Unifier on an ad hoc basis:

Note: The first time you exchange data between P6 Professional and Primavera Unifier using activity sheet integration, you must initiate the exchange from Primavera Unifier. After the first time, you can initiate the data exchange from P6, P6 Professional, or Primavera Unifier.

  1. Open one or more projects.
  2. Click Projects.
  3. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  4. Click the Actions menu and select Exchange Data and then select an action.
  5. If you selected an export action and the integration uses Primavera Gateway, in the action dialog box:
    1. Select Summary Sheet or Activity Sheet.
    2. If you select to send the summary sheet, select WBS Hierarchy if you want to send the WBS hierarchy to Primavera Unifier.
    3. Select which baselines you want to send to Primavera Unifier.

      Note: You cannot send baseline data if you are using activity sheet integration.

    4. Click Send.


Related Topics

Working With Primavera Unifier

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Applications Using Schedule Sheets

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Projects and Schedule Sheets.

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Applications Using Summary Sheets

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Projects and Summmary Sheets.

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Applications Using Activity Sheets

Linking P6 and Primavera Unifier Projects and Activity Sheets.

Filtering Data to be Sent to Primavera Unifier

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024