Searching For and Replacing Global Data

Use the Global Search & Replace feature to change Project, WBS or Activity data in multiple projects at the same time.

To search for and replace data in multiple projects:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
    1. On the EPS page, click the Actions menu and select Global Search & Replace.
    2. In the Global Search & Replace wizard, select a template and click Apply.

      Note: You can select the Row Actions menu and select Add to create a template or Edit to modify an existing template.

    3. Review the changes. Review the changes. You can edit the data in the changed fields manually and clear the Selected option for any items you do not want to change. To mark or clear the include option for all rows, right click and select Select All/Deselect All.
    4. Click Replace.


Related Topics

Working with Global Search & Replace

Configuring Global Search & Replace Templates

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024