Portfolio Analysis Toolbar

The Portfolio Analysis toolbar includes the following:

Screen Elements


Saves any new or modified entries to the database.

Save As

Enables you to save the current item as a new instance with a new name.


Cancels any pending changes and reverts back to the last saved state.

Create Portfolio View

Enables you to create a new portfolio view based on either an existing view or new attributes you define.


Maximizes the current chart in the work area, temporarily hiding the vertical or horizontal compare view.

Print Preview

Enables you to view a preview of the printed output. You can then decide to print or make additional changes.

Scorecard View

When you choose a scorecard view, the Portfolio Analysis toolbar displays the following additional options:

Add Project

Enables you to add a new project to the scorecard.

Delete Project

Deletes the selected project from the view permanently.

Create Portfolio from Selected Projects

Redirects you to the Create Portfolio page.


Opens the Waterline tab of the Customize Scorecard dialog box where you can override any previously applied grouping and sorting and instead define a single waterline level parameter and new sort order. Use the waterline to assess a simple visual depiction of the projects that satisfy your criteria, the ones floating above the waterline, versus those that do not, the ones sinking below the waterline.


Export Spreadsheet

Exports all data as it appears in the current view to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) file. Customize the rows to display only the data you want to export.

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024