General tab of the Customize View Dialog Box of the Team Usage Page or the Analysis page


Use this tab to configure general settings in the view.

Note: The view you are in affects which settings are available.

Screen Elements

Display list

The cost viewing options: Units or Cost. The capability to view costs is dependent on your security privileges. If you do not have access to costs data and you select the Costs option, no data appears.

By default, actual units and costs are spread evenly across the time period from the Actual Start to the Data Date, or Actual Finish if there is one. A Global Preference setting lets you choose to view actuals values based on data stored for custom financial periods (past period actuals). When you choose this option, actual units and costs are spread evenly across the dates defined for each financial period. When this option is turned on, under/over allocated values are also calculated based on the stored period data for actual units. Additionally, the histogram legend indicates that Period Actual Units or Costs are being displayed.

Timescale list

The Gantt chart time interval options. Select from one of the following intervals:

Week/Day: The Gantt View is divided into weeks which are then divided into days.

Month/Week: The Gantt View is divided into months which are then divided into weeks.

Quarter/Month: The Gantt View is divided into quarters which are then divided into months.

Year/Month: The Gantt View is divided into years which are then divided into months.

Year/Quarter: The Gantt View is divided into years which are then divided into quarters.

Financial Period: The Gantt chart is divided into years which are then divided into financial periods.

Show usage for options

Determines whether to view resource or role data for the Open projects or for All projects. If you select to show usage for all projects, P6 shows usage data for all projects for resources or roles assigned in the projects you have open. These options are available in the Team Usage page.

Filter By section:

The rules of the selected filter showing the Field, Operator and Value. Modify the values to customize the filter. These options are available in the Analysis page.

Include assignments in restricted projects option

Adds a row for Other Assignments to the view. The Other Assignments row provides totals for the units and costs assigned to the selected resource in projects you do not have permission to access. Selecting this option gives you no information about the other projects you do not have permission to access, except the total number of units and costs assigned to the selected resource across all other projects. In the Team Usage page, this option is included with the Show usage for options.

Display options

Determines whether to show the entire published date range or a user specified date range in the Start and Finish of the timescale displayed in the spreadsheet and chart.

Getting Here

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Team Usage.
  3. Click Customize View.
  4. In the Customize View dialog box, click General.


  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Analysis.
  3. Click Customize View.
  4. In the Customize View dialog box, click General.

Related Topics

About Team Usage

About Resource Analysis

Customizing Team Usage

Assigning Resources to Unstaffed Activities

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024