Creating Role Codes

Create role codes to group and arrange roles.

To create role codes:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Enterprise Data.
  3. On the Enterprise Data page, expand Resources and click Role Codes.
  4. On the Role Codes page:
    1. Click Row Actions and select Add Code.
    2. In the Name field, double-click and type a unique code name.
    3. In the Secure field, select the option to make the code read-only for users without the necessary security privileges to make changes.
    4. Move the code to the correct location in the list by clicking Row Actions and selecting Move Up, Move Down, Move Left, or Move Right.
    5. In the Maximum Length field, double-click and click the up or down arrow to specify the maximum length for role code value names.
    6. Click Save.


Related Topics

About Role Codes

Creating Role Code Values

Resource Codes Page

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024