Units and Prices Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page


Use this detail window to define the price/unit for up to five available rate types per effective date.

Screen Elements

Add (Ins)

Enables you to add another line of unit and price information to the grid.

Row Actions menu

Add: Adds a new item to the list.

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

Effective Date field

The date that the corresponding units/time period goes into effect for the role.

Max Units/Time field

The maximum work units per time this role can perform on assigned activities.

This number should correspond to the number of people who can fill this role.

Price/Unit fields

The non-overtime rate for the role, which is used to compute costs for any activities to which the role is assigned.

You can define up to five rate types for a role. Your organization can define text titles for each rate type as part of enterprise data.

Getting Here

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Administration.
  3. On the Administration page, click the Roles tab.
  4. On the Roles tab, click the Units and Prices detail window.

Related Topics

About Roles

Creating Roles

Assigning Role Rates

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024