Working with Documents

Use the Documents dialog box to access documents associated with your activity.

How you access documents is determined by how the documents are stored in P6. If documents are stored in a content repository or in an Oracle database, you can access the document directly. If documents are stored on a file share, you can access them by copying the location to your browser. If your company is using one method to store documents, you will not see the tabs in this dialog box.

This illustration is a graphical representation of the text in the following table.

Table of Screen Highlights



item one

Documents tab: Documents available from this tab are stored in a content repository or in an Oracle database. You can access a document by selecting a document name.

You can email the document creator or the last person who modified the document by selecting the person's name if the name is underlined.

item  two

Work Product Documents tab: Documents available from this tab are stored on a local file share. You can access the document by copying the path to your browser.

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Last Published Thursday, May 2, 2024