3.3 Create DSR Guests (OVM-S/OVM-M)

Perform the following task to create DSR guests in OVM-S or OVM-M.

This procedure requires values for these variables:

  • <OVM-M IP> = IP address to access a sh prompt on the OVM server
  • <URL to OVA> = Link to a source for downloading the product image (.ova)
  • <MyRepository name> = Name of the repository in the OVM to hold the product image (.ova)
Running this procedure discovers and uses the values of these variables:
  • <Virtual Appliance OVA ID>
  • <OVA VM name_vm_vm>
  • <OVM network id for (each subnet)>
  • <OVM network name for (each subnet)>

This procedure imports the DSR image.

  1. Access command line of OVM.

    Refer to Common OVM Manager Tasks (CLI) for setting up the platform.

    1. Get the site-specific values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <OVM-M IP> =

    2. Use the respective value for <OVM-M IP> into the command.
      ssh -l admin <OVM-M IP> -p 10000
      ssl –l admin –p 10000
      Alternatively, use a terminal emulation tool like putty.

  2. In OVM-M CLI, import the VirtualAppliance/OVA.
    1. Get the site-specific values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <URL to OVA> =

      <MyRepository name> = XLab Utility Repo01

    2. Use the respective values for <MyRepository name> and <URL to OVA> into the command.
      OVM> importVirtualAppliance Repository name=’<MyRepository name>’ url="<URL to OVA>”
      OVM> importVirtualAppliance Repository name='XLab Utility Repo01' url=
    3. Run the command and validate success.
    4. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations.


      importVirtualAppliance Repository name='XLab Utility Repo01'
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-18 15:23:31,044 EDT
      JobId: 1492543363365
      id: 1128a1c6ce name: DSR-
    5. Use the respective values for values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <Virtual Appliance OVA ID> = 1128a1c6ce

  3. In OVM-M CLI, get the virtual appliance ID.
    The virtual appliance OVA ID is used in later steps.
    1. Get the site-specific text for these variables (overwrite example).

      <Virtual Appliance OVA ID> = 1128a1c6ce

    2. Use the respective values for <Virtual Appliance OVA ID> into the command.
      OVM> show VirtualAppliance id=<Virtual Appliance OVA id>
      OVM> show VirtualAppliance id=1128a1c6ce
    3. Run the command and validate success.
    4. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations.
      show VirtualAppliance id=1128a1c6ce
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-18 15:23:53,534 EDT
      Origin =
      Repository = 0004fb0000030000da5738315337bfc7 [XLab Utility Repo01]
      Virtual Appliance Vm 1 = 11145510c0_vm_vm [vm]
      Virtual Appliance VirtualDisk 1 = 11145510c0_disk_disk1  [disk1]
      Id = 11145510c0 [DSR-]
      Name = DSR-
      Description = Import URL:
      Locked = false
    5. Use the respective values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <OVA VM name_vm_vm> = 11145510c0_vm_vm

  4. In OVM-M CLI, determine the OVM network IDs (established during the platform installation).
    OVM> list Network
    1. Run the command and validate success.
    2. Examine the screen results to find the find site-specific OVM values for each subnet:
      • <OVM network ID>
      • <OVM network name>
    3. Note the entire screen results. Refer to this data in later steps.
      Command: list network
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-19 18:51:42,494 EDT
      Data:  id:10486554b5  name:XSI-7 (
      id:10f4d5744c  name:XMI-11 (
      id:10775cf4e5  name:IDIH Internal
      id:102e89a481  name:IMI Shared (
      id:c0a80500  name:
      id:10d8de6d9a  name:XSI-6 (
      id:10806a91fb  name:XSI-8 (
      id:10a7289add  name:Control DHCP
      id:1053a604f0  name:XSI-5 (
      id:10345112c9  name:XMI-10 (
    4. Use the respective values for network ID variables (change the examples in this table according to the values).

      Table 3-1 Network ID Variables

        OAM (XMI) Local (IMI) Signaling A (XSI1) Signaling B (XSI2) Signaling C (XSI3-16) Replication (SBR Rep) DIH Internal
      <OVM network name> XMI-10 IMI Shared XSI-5 XSI-6 XSI-7 DIH Internal XMI-10
      <OVM network ID> 10345112c9 102e89a481 1053a604f0 10d8de6d9a   10486554b5 10775cf4e5