6.5 Enable/Disable DTLS (SCTP Diameter Connections Only)

This procedure prepares clients before configuring SCTP Diameter connections.

Oracle’s SCTP Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) has SCTP AUTH extensions by default. SCTP AUTH extensions are required for SCTP DTLS. However, there are known impacts with SCTP AUTH extensions as covered by the CVEs referenced below. It is highly recommended that customers prepare clients before the DSR connections are established after installation. This ensures the DSR to client SCTP connection establishes with SCTP AUTH extensions enabled. See RFC 6083. If customers DO NOT prepare clients to accommodate the DTLS changes, then the SCTP connections to client devices will not establish after the DSR is installed.
  • https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2015-1421
  • https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2014-5077
Run the procedures in DSR DTLS Feature Activation Procedure to disable or enable the DTLS feature.