3.2.1 Import DSR OVA (KVM/OpenStack Only)

This procedure adds the DSR image to the glance image catalog.
  • Create instance flavors.

    If not yet done, use the resource profiles defined in DSR Cloud Benchmarking Guide values to create flavors for each type of VM. Flavors can be created with the Horizon GUI in the Admin section, or with the nova flavor-create command line tool. Make the flavor names as informative as possible. As flavors describe resource sizing, a common convention is to use a name like “0406060” where the first two figures (04) represent the number of virtual CPUs, the next two figures (06) might represent the RAM allocation in GB and the final three figures (060) might represent the disk space in GB.

  • If using an Intel 10 Gigabit Ethernet ixgbe driver on the host nodes, note that the default LRO (Large Receive Offload) option must be disabled on the host command line. Refer to the Intel Release Notes for more details. This action can be performed using the following command.
    $ sudo ethtool -K <ETH_DEV> lro off
  • If using IPFE Target Set Addresses (TSA):
    • Read and understand the "Disable Port Security" procedure in Disable Port Security, including the warning note.
    • Enable the Neutron port security extension.


      This step is not applicable for HEAT deployment.
To add DSR OVA image perform the following steps:
  1. Copy the OVA file to the OpenStack control node.
    $ scp DSR-x.x.x.x.x.ova admusr@node:~
  2. Log in to the OpenStack control node.
    $ ssh admusr@node
  3. In an empty directory, unpack the OVA file using tar.
    $ tar xvf DSR-x.x.x.x.x.ova
  4. One of the unpacked files has a .vmdk suffix. This is the VM image file that must be imported.


  5. Source the OpenStack admin user credentials.
    $ .  keystonerc_admin
  6. Select an informative name for the new image.
  7. Import the image using the glance utility from the command line.
    $ glance image-create --name dsr-x.x.x.x-original -–visibility private --protected false --progress --container-format bare --disk-format vmdk --file DSR-x.x.x.x-disk1.vmdk

    This process takes about 5 minutes depending on the underlying infrastructure.

  8. Convert VMDK to QCOW2 format.
    Use the qemu-img tool to create a qcow2 image file using this command.
    qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 <VMDK filename> <QCOW2 filename>
    qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 DSR-82_12_0.vmdk DSR-82_12_0.qcow2
    Install the qemu-img tool (if not already installed) using this yum command.
    sudo yum install qemu-img
  9. Import the converted qcow2 image using the “glance” utility from the command line.
    $ glance image-create --name dsr-x.x.x-original --is-public True --is-protected False --progress  --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --file DSR-x.x.x-disk1.qcow2
    This process takes about five minutes depending on the underlying infrastructure.


    The above two steps (8 and 9) are optional and are not needed if VMDK is used.