D.1 Set Up the Server

This section sets up the server using the command line interface of OVM Manager. All configurations/setup can also be done from the GUI/dashboard of OVM Manager.
  1. Log in to the OVM-M command line interface.
    ssh –l admin <OVM-M IP> -p 1000
    [root@manager01 ~]# ssh -l admin -p 10000
    admin@'s password:
  2. In OVM-M CLI: Discover Oracle VM server.
    discoverServer ipAddress=value password=value takeOwnership= { Yes | No }
    OVM>discoverServer ipAddress= password=password takeOwnership=Yes
  3. In OVM-M CLI, create an ethernet-based network with the VM role.
    create Network [ roles= { MANAGEMENT | LIVE_MIGRATE | CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT | VIRTUAL_MACHINE | STORAGE } ] name=value [ description=value ] [ on Server instance ]
    OVM>create Network name=XMI roles=VIRTUAL_MACHINE
  4. In OVM-M CLI, add a port from each Oracle VM server to the network.


    Skip this step and proceed to step 5 for bonded interfaces.
    1. Find the ID of an Ethernet port.
      OVM> show Server name=MyServer1
      Ethernet Port 1 = 0004fb00002000007711332ff75857ee
      [eth0 on MyServer3.virtlab.info]
      Ethernet Port 2 = 0004fb0000200000d2e7d2d352a6654e
      [eth1 on MyServer3.virtlab.info]
      Ethernet Port 3 = 0004fb0000200000c12192a08f2236e4
      [eth2 on MyServer3.virtlab.info]
    2. Add a port from each Oracle VM Server to the network.
      OVM>add Port instance to { BondPort | Network } instance
      OVM>add Port id=0004fb0000200000d2e7d2d352a6654e to Network name=MyVMNetwork
  5. In OVM-M CLI, create Bondport (For Bonded Interfaces).
    1. Find the ID of an Ethernet port.
      OVM>list Port
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 04:43:02,565 EDT
      id:0004fb0000200000045b4e8dc0b3acc6  name:usb0 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb00002000005fde208ce6392c0a  name:eth4 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000200000b1dceeb39006d839  name:eth5 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb000020000027e3a02bc28dd153  name:eth2 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000200000fce443e0d30cd3d5  name:eth3 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000200000a908e402fc542312  name:eth0 on vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000200000247b03c2a4a090ec  name:eth1 on vms01.test.com
    2. Create Bondport on required interfaces.
      OVM>create BondPort ethernetPorts="0004fb0000200000b1dceeb39006d839,0004fb0000200000fce443e0d30cd3d5" mode=ACTIVE_PASSIVE mtu=1500 name=bond1 on Server name=compute01.test.com
      create BondPort ethernetPorts="0004fb0000200000b1dceeb39006d839,0004fb0000200000fce443e0d30cd3d5" mode=ACTIVE_PASSIVE mtu=1500 name=bond1 on Server name=compute01.test.com
      Status: Success
  6. In OVM-M CLI, add VLAN Interface to network (for VLAN tagged networks).
    1. Find the ID of an Ethernet port.
      OVM>list BondPort
      Command: list BondPort
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 04:38:22,327 EDT
      id:0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512 name:bond1
      id:0004fb0000200000645cfc865736cea8 name:bond0 on compute01.test.com
    2. Create VLAN interface.
      OVM>create VlanInterface vlanId=43 name=bond1.43 on BondPort id=0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512
      create VlanInterface vlanId=43 name=bond1.43 on BondPort id=0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512
      Status: Success
    3. Add remaining VLAN interfaces to the same bond accordingly, like:
      OVM>create VlanInterface vlanId=44 name=bond1.44 on BondPort id=0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512
      OVM>create VlanInterface vlanId=30 name=bond1.30 on BondPort id=0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512
      OVM>create VlanInterface vlanId=31 name=bond1.31 on BondPort id=0004fb00002000005a45a0761813d512
    4. Add VLAN interfaces to network.
      OVM>add VlanInterface name=bond1.43 to Network name=XMI
      Command: add VlanInterface name=bond1.43 to Network name=XMI
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 05:14:29,321 EDT
      JobId: 1471857258238
      OVM>add VlanInterface name=bond1.44 to Network name=IMI
      Command: add VlanInterface name=bond1.44 to Network name=IMI
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 05:15:24,216 EDT
      JobId: 1471857321329
      OVM>add VlanInterface name=bond1.30 to Network name=XSI1
      Command: add VlanInterface name=bond1.30 to Network name=XSI1
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 05:15:39,190 EDT
      JobId: 1471857337005
      OVM>add VlanInterface name=bond1.31 to Network name=XSI2
      Command: add VlanInterface name=bond1.31 to Network name=XSI2
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-22 05:15:52,576 EDT
      JobId: 1471857349684
  7. In OVM-M CLI, create unclustered server pool.


    To create clustered server pool, ignore this step and proceed to next.
    OVM>create ServerPool clusterEnable=No name=MyServerPool description='Unclustered server pool'
  8. In OVM-M CLI, create clustered server pool.
    This is an optional step.


    Skip this step if an unclustered server pool is already created. This step is only if required to create a clustered server pool.
    1. To create a clustered server pool you must provide a file system or physical disk to use for the server pool file system. To find a file system or physical disk, use the list command:
      OVM>list FileSystem
      id:66a61958-e61a-44fe-b0e0-9dd64abef7e3 name:nfs on
      id:0004fb0000050000b85745f78b0c4b61 name:fs on 350014ee2568cc0cf
      id:4ebb1575-e611-4662-87b9-a84b40ce3db7 name:nfs on
      id:858d98c5-3d8b-460e-9160-3415cbdda738 name:nfs on
      id:0dea4818-20e6-4d3a-958b-b12cf91588b5 name:nfs on
      id:35b4f1c6-182b-4ea5-9746-51393f3b515c name:nfs on
      id:aeb6143d-0a96-4845-9690-740bbf1e225e name:nfs on
      id:05e8536f-8d9c-4d7c-bbb2-29b3ffafe011 name:nfs on
      id:0004fb00000500006a46a8dbd2461939 name:MyServerPool_cluster_heartbeat
      id:0004fb00000500000809e28f4fab56b1 name:fs on 350014ee20137ee44
      OVM>list PhysicalDisk
      id:0004fb000018000019b86ccf3f473a9e name:FreeBSD (9)
      id:0004fb0000180000c4609a67d55b5803 name:FreeBSD (3)
      id:0004fb00001800002179de6afe5f0cf3 name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86288968
      id:0004fb0000180000a0b43f9684fc78ac name:FreeBSD (2)
      id:0004fb0000180000732be086afb26911 name:FreeBSD (7)
      id:0004fb000018000067ce80973e18374e name:FreeBSD (8)
      id:0004fb000018000035ce16ee4d58dc4d name:FreeBSD (1)
      id:0004fb00001800006855117242d9a537 name:FreeBSD (6)
      id:0004fb0000180000a9c7a87ba52ce5ec name:FreeBSD (5)
      id:0004fb0000180000ebabef9838188d78 name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86571931
      id:0004fb00001800008f6ea92426f2cfb8 name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86257005
      id:0004fb00001800008ccb1925cdbbd181 name:SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86578538
      id:0004fb0000180000e034b4662665161c name:FreeBSD (4)
    2. Before you create a clustered server pool you must refresh the file system or physical disk to be used for the server pool file system. To refresh a file system:
      OVM>refresh { AccessGroup | Assembly | FileServer | FileSystem | PhysicalDisk | Repository | Server | StorageArray | VirtualAppliance } instance
      For example, to refresh a physical disk:
      OVM>refresh PhysicalDisk id=0004fb000018000035ce16ee4d58dc4d
    3. Refresh a file system:
      OVM>refresh FileSystem name="nfs on"
      OVM>create ServerPool clusterEnable=Yes filesystem="nfs on" name=MyServerPool description='Clustered server pool'
  9. In OVM-M CLI, add Oracle VM servers to the server pool.
    OVM>add Server name=MyServer to ServerPool name=MyServerPool
  10. In OVM-M CLI, create storage repository.
    1. Find the physical disk (LUN) to use for creating the storage repository.
      OVM>list FileServer
      Command: list FileServer
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-19 02:11:39,779 EDT
      id:0004fb00000900000445dac29e88bc38  name:Local FS vms03.test.com
      id:0004fb000009000045715cad6f165ecf  name:Local FS vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000090000df4cd9c3170092e4  name:Local FS vms02.test.com
      id:0004fb000009000064b96ed88a9a0185  name:Local FS vms04.test.com
    2. Find a local file system on an Oracle VM server that has access to the LUN.
      OVM>list FileServer
      Command: list FileServer
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-19 02:11:39,779 EDT
      id:0004fb00000900000445dac29e88bc38  name:Local FS vms03.test.com
      id:0004fb000009000045715cad6f165ecf  name:Local FS vms01.test.com
      id:0004fb0000090000df4cd9c3170092e4  name:Local FS vms02.test.com
      id:0004fb000009000064b96ed88a9a0185  name:Local FS vms04.test.com
    3. Create file system.
      OVM>create FileSystem name=VmsFs01 physicalDisk="OVM_SYS_REPO_PART_3600605b00a2a024000163e490ac3f392" on FileServer name="Local FS vms01.test.com"
      create FileSystem name=VmsFs01 physicalDisk="OVM_SYS_REPO_PART_3600605b00a2a024000163e490ac3f392" on FileServer name="Local FS vms01.test.com"
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-19 02:22:46,581 EDT
      JobId: 1471587738752
      id:0004fb00000500006779d42da60c0be6 name:VmsFs01
    4. Create repository.
      OVM>create Repository name=Vms01Repo on FileSystem name=VmsFs01
      create Repository name=Vms01Repo on FileSystem name=VmsFs01
      Status: Success
      Time: 2016-08-19 02:24:04,092 EDT
      JobId: 1471587843432Data:id:0004fb00000300003c8f771791114d53 name:Vms01Repo
    5. Add server pool to repository.
      OVM> add ServerPool name=TestPool001 to Repository name=Vms01Repo
      Refresh the storage repository using the syntax:
      OVM> refresh Repository name=MyRepository