G.4 After a VM Instance has been Booted: Allowed Address Pairs

If a VM instance has already been booted, that is, instantiated, and you need to associate one or more additional IP addresses with the Neutron port assigned to the VM instance, then you need to run a command of the following form:
# neutron port-update <Port ID> --allowed_address_pairs list=true type=dict ip_address=<VIP address to be added>

Where the bolded items have the following meaning:

  • <Port ID>

    Identifies the ID of the port within Neutron which can be determined by listing the ports, neutron port-list, or if the port is named then the port ID can be obtained directly in the above command with a sequence like $ (neutron port-show –f value –F id <Port Name>) to replace the <Port ID> placeholder.

  • <VIP address to be added>

    Identifies the IP address, a virtual IP address in this case, that should additionally be associated with the port where this can be a single IP address, for example,, or a range of IP addresses as indicated by a value such as

For example, if you wanted to indicate to Neutron that the allowed addresses for a port should include the range of addresses between to and the port had an ID of 8a440d3f-4e5c-4ba2-9e5e-7fc942111277, then you would type the following command:
# neutron port-update 8a440d3f-4e5c-4ba2-9e5e-7fc942111277 --allowed_address_pairs list=true type=dict ip_address=