Description of the illustration sql_firewall_data_safe.png

Image sql_firewall_data_safe.png shows the Data Safe dashboard for SQL Firewall. On the left side, in the menu listing, under Security center is included the SQL Firewall menu item. Following it, under Related resources, are these Data Safe-specific menu items: Violation reports, SQL Firewall policies, and SQL collections.

In the middle of the screen is a SQL Firewall page for a specific Data Safe compartment. It includes a chart showing SQL Firewall violations for the last week. To its right is the SQL Firewall enforcement mode, which is a pie chart indicating SQL that has been blocked and SQL that has been observed. To the right of the SQL Firewall enforcement mode is a pie chart indicating SQL collections, with breakdowns for completed SQL and deleted SQL. Following these three elements is a tabbed region indicating the Target summary and the Violation summary for this configuration. The Target summary page has a table with these columns, from left to right: Target database, SQL Firewall status, Collecting, and Blocked.