Running the PSRUNACM Script

In addition to the Automated Configuration Manager that is executed from PIA, the automated configuration management framework allows you to configure the products for your environment from the command line using the PSRUNACM script.

The PSRUNACM.bat and the files are available in the Utility folder of PS_HOME.

This section discusses:

  • Running PSRUNACM in Windows.

  • Running PSRUNACM in UNIX.

To run PSRUNACM in Windows:

  1. Set the PS_HOME and PS_CFG_HOME environment variables.

  2. Set the PS_SERVER_CFG environment variable to the Process Scheduler configuration file directory.

    For example:

    set PS_SERVER_CFG=$PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/prcs/$DOMAIN/psprcs.cfg

  3. Set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable, if required.

    The template file that is used as input to configure the environment can be present either in database or as a text file.

    • If the template file is present in database, do not set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable.

    • A template file (text file) can exist in a remote path or you can copy the template file (text file) into the same directory as the psrunACM script.

      Note: If the template file (text file) exists in a remote path, you must set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable to specify the remote path of the template file. If the template file exists in a remote path and if the PS_FILEDIR variable is not set, the directory from where the psrunACM script is run is considered as the location of the template file. Hence, you need to copy the template file to the same directory as the psrunACM script.

    • If you copy the template file into the same directory as the psrunACM script, do not set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable.

  4. Run the PSRUNACM.bat file.

    • If the template file is present in database, run the following command by replacing the values within <> with appropriate values.



      Field or Control



      The host machine name in which the script is executed.


      The type of database on which the configuration is run, for example, ORACLE.


      The name of the hosted database.


      Operator ID.


      Operator password.


      The name of the template file, which is used as input for the configuration run.


      The option parameter is used to decide whether the template should be executed from database, imported to database, or exported from database.

      Valid values:

      • EXP - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is exported from the database mentioned in DBNAME to the local machine.

      • IMP - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is imported to the database mentioned in DBNAME from the current path from where the psrunACM.bat script is invoked.

      • EXEC - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is used as input to configure the environment.

    • If the template file is available as a text file, run the following command by replacing the values within <> with appropriate values.

      Before you run the command, ensure that the PS_FILEDIR environment variable is set if the template file exists in a remote path.


      Note: If the input is a text file, the OPTION parameter is not required.


  1. Set the PS_HOME and PS_CFG_HOME environment variables.

  2. Set the PS_SERVER_CFG environment variable to the Process Scheduler configuration file directory.

    For example:

    set PS_SERVER_CFG=$PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/prcs/$DOMAIN/psprcs.cfg
  3. Set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable, if required.

    The template file that is used as input to configure the environment can be present either in database or as a text file.

    • If the template file is present in database, do not set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable.

    • A template file (text file) can exist in a remote path or you can copy the template file (text file) into the same directory as the psrunACM script.

      Note: If the template file (text file) exists in a remote path, you must set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable to specify the remote path of the template file. If the template file exists in a remote path and if the PS_FILEDIR variable is not set, the directory from where the psrunACM script is run is considered as the location of the template file. Hence, you need to copy the template file to the same directory as the psrunACM script.

    • If you copy the template file into the same directory as the psrunACM script, do not set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable.

  4. Run the script.

    • If the template file is present in database, run the following command by replacing the values within <> with appropriate values. The parameters within [ ] are optional. <SERVER> <DBTYPE> <DBNAME> <USERID> <PASSWORD> <TEMPLATE_NAME> [DOMAIN] <OPTION - EXEC/IMP/EXP> [LOG_LEVEL - ERROR]


      Field or Control



      The host machine name in which the script is executed.


      The type of database on which the configuration is run, for example, ORACLE.


      The name of the hosted database.


      Operator ID.


      Operator password.


      The name of the template file, which is used as input for the configuration run.


      The Process Scheduler server domain name is an optional parameter.

      Note: If the domain name is not provided, ensure that the PS_SERVER_CFG environment variable is set.


      The option parameter is used to decide whether the template should be executed from database, imported to database, or exported from database.

      Valid values:

      • EXP - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is exported from the database mentioned in DBNAME to the local machine.

      • IMP - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is imported to the database mentioned in DBNAME from the current path from where the script is invoked.

      • EXEC - The template mentioned in TEMPLATE_NAME is used as input to configure the environment.


      The log_level parameter is optional.

      This log_level parameter is used to limit the console output to show the details of only those plug-ins that failed.

      This parameter can take only a single value — Error.

    • If the template file is available as a text file, run the following command by replacing the values within <> with appropriate values.

      Before you run the command, ensure that the PS_FILEDIR environment variable is set if the template file exists in a remote path. <SERVER> <DBTYPE> <DBNAME> <USERID> <PASSWORD> <TEMPLATE_NAME> <DOMAIN>

      Note: When the input is a text file, the OPTION parameter is not required.