Running the PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine Program

This section provides an overview and discusses:

  • Ensuring sufficient security permissions.

  • Setting the environment variables for the command line session.

  • Running the PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine program.

  • Verifying your configuration settings.

After you have created the template file and entered all the required property values for your environment for the configuration plug-ins you have referenced, you load the values into the database by running the PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine program. The PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine program, which you run from the command line, determines the location of your environment template file by the PS_FILEDIR environment variable setting.

The following instructions assume you are familiar with running Application Engine programs. For more information on running Application Engine programs from the command line, see Using the Command Line to Invoke Application Engine Programs.

Make sure the user ID running the Application Engine program has the appropriate security access. To run the PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine program, the user you submit on the command line must be associated with the PeopleSoft Administrator or the ACM Administrator role in PeopleTools Security.

Likewise, the user needs to have any required security for any of the products being automatically configured. For example, if you are configuring the Search Framework, the user ID needs to be associated with the required roles for that product, such as Search Administrator, Search Server, and so on.

See Security Permissions Required for Automated Configuration Management.

Open the command line utility for your operating system and set the following environment variables.

  • Set the PS_HOME environment variable to reflect the path of PS_HOME directory.

    For example:

    D:\>set PS_HOME=D:\PT8.55

  • Set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable to reflect the location of the template file for the current command line session.

    For example in Windows:


    In this case, the template file is located in D:\qedmo_autoconfig.

    For example in Linux or AIX:

    export PS_FILEDIR=/tmp

  • Set the PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG environment variable to specify whether the plugin execution should be logged and whether the status of each plugin should be generated in JSON format while running plugins through command line.

    Set the PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG to true to generate logs and JSON output.

    For example in Windows:

    set PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG=true

    For example in Linux or AIX:

    export PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG=true

    If PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG is set to true, the ACM log file is stored in the PS_FILEDIR location with the name ptem_config.log. Also, the JSON file containing status of each executed plugin is stored in the PS_FILEDIR location with the name <propfilename>_out.json, where <propfilename> is the name of the template file. For example, IB_config.properties_out.json. The property file name is stored in the PTEM_PROP environment variable.

  • Specify the name of the template file for Application Engine program input using the PTEM_PROP environment variable.

    For example:


  • Specify whether to execute, import, or export a template in database using the PTACM_OPTION environment variable.

    Valid values:

    • Execute - This option will override the template file given in PTEM_PROP and take the template from database (template name will be provided in the PTACM_TEMPLATE environment variable).

    • Import - this option will import a template file given in PTEM_PROP to template provided in PTACM_TEMPLATE.

    • Export - this option will export the template in PTACM_TEMPLATE to template file given in PTEM_PROP.

    For example:

    D:\>set PTACM_OPTION=execute

  • If the PTACM_OPTION is set, specify the template name using the PTACM_TEMPLATE environment variable.

From PeopleTools 8.59, the DPK deployment process executes the utility script, psrunACM.bat or, in order to control the execution of ACM plug-ins in cases where it may encounter failures thereby ensuring that the DPK deployment process continues smoothly or is aborted when certain conditions are not fulfilled. The PS_WRITE_ACM_LOG environment variable enables logging of the ACM plug-in execution and generates a JSON file containing the status of each executed plug-in, thus giving you greater control on running the DPK deployment process. The utility script provides the following return codes:

Return Code



Successful completion.


The template under consideration does not exist in the database.


Web history is not found. Login to PIA, and re-run the program.


User does not have permission to execute any of the plug-ins.


Exiting configuration as per post-configuration condition.


Failure when running any plug-in in the template.


Warning when running any plug-in in the template.

In the same command line session where you set PS_FILEDIR to point to your environment variables template file, launch the PTEM_CONFIG Application Engine program.

Change directories to PS_HOME\bin\client\winx86 and submit the following command line parameters to the Application Engine executable (psae.exe) replacing the values in <> with appropriate values.

For example:

psae.exe -CT <DB type> -CS <server name> -CD <DB name>  -CO <user> -CP <password> -R <runid> -AI PTEM_CONFIG  -I <instance number>




Database type (connection type).


Server name (used only for specific database types).


Database name.


User ID connecting to the database.


Password associated with the user ID.


Run control ID.


Application Engine program name (Application ID)


Instance number.

See the Application Engine documentation for more information on other optional command line parameters.

After the PTEM_CONFIG program processes all the configuration properties for the configuration plug-ins contained in the environment variables template file, you should see a message indicating the successful program run.

Depending on the configuration plug-ins you included, test the appropriate settings in your environment to confirm that the values you entered in the environment variables template file are correct.

For example, if you included Integration Broker configuration plug-ins, make sure the elements related to Integration Broker are configured correctly.