Working with Custom Configuration Plug-ins

In addition to the plug-ins delivered by PeopleSoft, PeopleSoft allows you to create custom configuration plug-ins required for your specific environment.

A plug-in is an application class that corresponds to each configuration within a template. For example, to configure IB Gateway nodes, the application class (plug-in) PTIBConfigureGatewayNodes in the application package PTEM_CONFIG

Working with configuration plug-ins includes the following:

To create a configuration plug-in:

  1. Use the PTEM_CONFIG application package to create a plug-in. If you need to use a custom package, ensure that the custom package starts with PTEM_CONFIG.

  2. Write the plug-in class. The new plug-in class must extend from the base class — PTEM_CONFIG:EMConfigurationPlugin.

    Override and implement the four base class methods:

    • getProperties - to provide plug-in properties and their details.

      For example:

      method getProperties
         /+ Returns Array of PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMVariableProperty +/
         /+ Extends/implements PTEM_CONFIG:EMConfigurationPlugin.getProperties +/
         Local array of PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMVariableProperty &propArray = Null;
      ---add the properties as shown below---------------
          &variableProperty = create PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMVariableProperty("property_name", "datatype", True/False (is required?), True/False(is password?), "default value", Message set number of property description, message number, "default message", Null);   &propArray.Push(&variableProperty);  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
         Return &propArray;

      Add the following base class methods:

      • validateVariables - to validate the plug-in property values.

      • configureEnvironment - to configure the environment with the provided values.

      • validateConfigurations - to validate whether the values are correctly configured.

    • dependant_plugins - to provide the names of dependent plug-ins.

      For example:

      method dependant_plugins
         /+ Returns Array of String +/
         /+ Extends/implements PTEM_CONFIG:EMConfigurationPlugin.dependant_plugins +/
         Local array of string &dependant_array;
         &dependant_array = CreateArray(""); -----add the plugins as comma seprated values, that this plugin depends on for its execution
         Return &dependant_array;
    • getPluginHelpMessage - to provide a brief description of a plug-in.

      For example:

      method getPluginHelpMessage
         /+ Returns PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMHelpMessage +/
         /+ Extends/implements PTEM_CONFIG:EMConfigurationPlugin.getPluginHelpMessage +/
         Local PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMHelpMessage &tempMessage = Null;
         &tempMessage = create PTEM_CONFIG:PTEMHelpMessage(0, 0, "", Null);   ---- "add the message set number, message number and default message of the help message"
         Return &tempMessage;
    • isInternalPlugin - to differentiate between plug-ins that can be used internally by developers and externally by customers.

      Valid values are:

      • False - specifies that the plug-in can be used by customers, and the plug-in can be added in a template in PIA.

      • True - implies that the plug-in can be used only through command line and will not be available in PIA.

      For example:

      method isInternalPlugin
         /+ Returns Boolean +/
         /+ Extends/implements PTEM_CONFIG:EMConfigurationPlugin.isInternalPlugin +/
         Return False;

Note: When you create a configuration plug-in an application package, the plug-in must be registered through the automated configuration management framework so that it can be included in a template for configuration through PIA. If a plug-in is not registered, it can be used only for execution through command line.

Use the Register Plugin page to register a configuration plug-in, which includes assigning a category for the plug-in.

Access the Register Plugin page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools > Automated Config Manager > ACM Utilities > Register Plugin

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Plugin page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Plugin page

Field or Control


Plugin Name

Select the plug-in that you created.

Note: If the isInternalPlugin method of a plug-in class is defined as false, the plug-in will be available in the Plugin Name list.


Enter a description for the plug-in.

Long Description

Optionally, you may enter a long description for the plug-in.

Plugin Category

Select a category to which the plug-in will belong.

Currently, the following categories are available:

  • IB

  • Miscellaneous

  • Network Setup

  • Process Scheduler

See Creating a Configuration Plug-in.