Setting System Defaults for Accessibility Personalizations

When you install PeopleTools, accessibility features to support assistive technology are available to all users, but they turned off by default. Users who want to use these features must enable them, individually, in My Preferences. You can change the system default value for each of the accessibility personalizations to suit your user community. For example, if the majority of your users use assistive technology, you might make these features available to everyone by default so that individual users do not have to enable them.

Note: Keyboard-only navigation features are available to all users and do not require users to enable accessibility layout features.

To change the default value of accessibility personalizations:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Personalization > Define System Personalizations to access the Define Personalizations page.

  2. Search and select PPTL to open the PeopleTools personalization options.

    Two accessibility personalizations appear near the top of the list:

    • ACCESSMENU – Screen Reader in Actions Menu (Enable Screen Reader Mode link).

    • ACCESS – Accessibility Layout (screen reader mode).

  3. Select the Format tab.

    The current default values appears in the Option Default Value column.

  4. To change a default value, click the Set Option Default Value link for a personalization option.

  5. For the ACCESSMENU – Screen Reader in Actions Menu option, select one of the following values:

    Field or Control



    Select this value to hide the Enable Screen Reader Mode link in the Actions menu for all users. Users who want to see this link can enable it in My Personalizations.


    Select this value to display the Enable Screen Reader Mode link in the Actions menu for all users. Users who do not want to see this link can disable it in My Personalizations.

  6. For the ACCESS – Accessibility Layout option, do not change the default value for the screen reader mode unless all of your user community requires it.

  7. Click OK to apply the change and return to the Define Personalizations page.

  8. Click Save.