Using Images Consistently

This section explains how to design applications according to the following WCAG 2.0 standard:

3.2.3 - Consistent Navigation: Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of Web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user.

Before creating your own images, check the Image Catalog in PeopleSoft Application Designer to see if an existing image is already available. The images are categorized by function and listed alphabetically by image name. Always use images only for the purpose that is specified in the Image Catalog. If you create new images, use them consistently. For example, you should always use the following image for the Search button:

This example shows the Search button.

Search button

To see a complete list of available images and their purposes, access the Image Catalog by selecting File, Open, Image in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

In addition, if you use images to convey status, make sure that you are using the status indicator images correctly.

See Providing Alternatives to Color Coding to Convey Meaning.