Setting Up Security for Diagnostics Framework

This section provides an overview of security for Diagnostics Framework.

To gather information using Diagnostics Framework, you must have access to:

  • The Diagnostics Framework pages.

  • The WEBLIB_PTDIAG web library.

You use the PeopleTools Security pages to select or create a permission list to which you can add the necessary permissions for these elements. That permission list should ultimately be assigned through a role to the users who will run diagnostics.

To run diagnostics, you must have access to these Diagnostics Framework pages:



To set up security access to these pages:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Permissions and Roles > Permission Lists.

  2. Select or define a permission list to which you want to add Diagnostics Framework permissions.

    See Understanding Permission Lists.

  3. Access the Pages page for the selected permission list.

    This page lists the menus to which this permission list has some degree of access.

  4. If the PT_DIAGNOSTICS menu isn't listed on this page, add a new row and select it.

  5. Click the Edit Components link for the PT_DIAGNOSTICS menu.

    The Component Permissions page appears.

  6. Click the Edit Pages link for the PT_DIAG_LAUNCH component.

    The Page Permissions page appears.

  7. Click Select All to grant full access to the PT_DIAG_PLUGIN page, then click OK to return to the Component Permissions page.

  8. Click the Edit Pages link for the PT_DIAG_FRAME_REG component.

    The Page Permissions page appears.

  9. Click Select All to grant full access to the PT_DIAG_FRAME_REG page, then click OK to return to the Component Permissions page.

  10. Click OK, then save the permission list.

To set up security access to WEBLIB_PTDIAG:

  1. Access the Web Libraries page for the permission list for which you've already granted access to the Diagnostics Framework pages.

    This page lists the web libraries to which the permission list has some degree of access.

  2. If the WEBLIB_PTDIAG web library isn't listed on this page, add a new row and select it.

  3. Click the Edit link for the WEBLIB_PTDIAG web library.

    The Weblib Permissions page appears.

  4. Click Full Access (All) to grant full access to the WEBLIB_PTDIAG web library.

  5. Click OK, then save the permission list.