Modifying Classic Style Sheet Tabs

This section discusses how to create tab images.

Before you can assign a new background color to the active or inactive tabs, you must create the necessary tab images with that color.

To produce tabs in a different color combination:

  1. Open the image definitions for the tabs that you want to change.

    Because you want to change only the color of tabs, open only those image definitions that already contain an RGB color code.

    If you are changing both the active and inactive tab color, access these image definitions:



    • PT_TAB2LIXB8B090

    • PT_TAB2RIXB8B090



    • PT_TAB2BIIB8B090




    • PT_TAB3LIXB8B090

    • PT_TAB3RIXB8B090

    • PT_TAB3MIXB8B090



    • PT_TAB3BIIB8B090

      If you are changing only the inactive color, which is beige, you only need the files that contain the beige color code, B8B090. Similarly, if you are changing only the active tab color, which is white, you only need the files that include FFFFFF. However, for the changes to apply, you must change all those files with that color code. If one file is missed or a file name has a typographical error, the default style still applies.

  2. To export the file to a directory, select File > Export Image.

  3. In the Save Image dialog box, select the directory in which you want to place the image.

  4. Use any image editor to alter the image colors.

    Note: Do not change the size or shape of the images and do not replace any of the transparent pixels with solid pixels.

  5. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, add the new image definitions by selecting File > New > Image.

    Save the new image files under the appropriate name. The new images must have new names reflecting the HTML colors that they represent. For example, replace FFFFFF with the new active tab color, and replace B8B090 with the new inactive tab color. Be careful when naming these images. If the images with the correct colors for the tab style are not in the database, the system automatically applies the default images.

  6. Open the appropriate style sheet.

    If you are changing the tab folder colors, use PSSTYLEDEF. If you are changing grid tabs, use PSSTYLEDEF or the style sheet that is associated with the page definition in which the grid is located.

    Note: You can set the grid tab styles for each grid individually using the grid properties. However, for page tabs, you can set the styles using only the default styles in the application style sheet.

    You must access PSACTIVETAB, PSINACTIVE TAB, and any other tab classes that your application uses (for example, PSLEVEL1GRIDACTIVETAB).

  7. For folder tabs, open the PSACTIVETAB class by double-clicking the class name.

  8. On the Background tab, select the color of the background of the active tab (matching the color of the tab image that you created).

    Use the drop-down list box to find the color or browse through the color choices.

  9. Do the same for the PSINACTIVETAB class (or any others that you need) for folder tabs by double-clicking the class name and selecting the Background tab.

  10. For grid tabs, access the style class that is associated with the grid tab.

  11. Change the colors as indicated in the previous steps.

  12. Save the style sheet.


This is an example of folder tabs with a green background. In addition, the color of the text on the tabs was changed to black:

The following image is an example of folder tabs with a green background with the color of the text on the tabs changed to black

Example of green tabs

In the example, the active tab color stayed the same (FFFFFF). Only the inactive tab color changed. Therefore, only these files were created and added to the list of images:

  • PT_TAB2LIX80FF80

  • PT_TAB2RIX80FF80



  • PT_TAB2BII80FF80

  • PT_TAB3LIX80FF80

  • PT_TAB3RIX80FF80

  • PT_TAB3MIX80FF80



  • PT_TAB3BII80FF80