Full Analysis

Full Analysis executes all available rules for all top level candidate definitions. If you need more specific analysis, use Directed Analysis, Analyze For, and Analyze Along Search Path features.

Select Tools, Full Analysis. A confirmation screen appears immediately. Click Yes to perform a full analysis.

Depending on the size of your database, the full analysis processing may take several minutes. A processing bar appears on the screen. When finished, the Analysis Workspace tab is highlighted and the Definitions Impacting Other Definitions page displays.

The left-hand side of the page shows a tree view of the definitions. The right-hand side of the page displays several paragraphs listing the database characteristics, the rules files used, the analysis setting , statistics, and any errors found during the execution.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Full Analysis Result, Definitions Impacting Other Definitions page.

Full Analysis Result, Definitions Impacting Other Definitions page

To view the definitions impacted by changes, select the Impacted-By tab.

Select the Impacts Text tab to display the list of definitions impacted.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Full Analysis Results, Impacts Text.

Full Analysis Results, Impacts Text

Select the Impacted-By Text tab to display the definitions that impact the analyzed definition.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Full Analysis, Impacted-By Text.

Full Analysis, Impacted-By Text