Navigating the JSON Page

This section provides an overview of the JSON page and discusses how to:

  • Access the JSON page.

  • View the root label for a JSON document.

  • View element tag names for a JSON document.

Use the Document Builder - JSON page (IB_JSONSCHEMA) to view the root label and JSON objects and arrays that are mapped to documents and document elements.

To access the JSON page select PeopleTools > Documents > Document Builder and click the JSON tab.

Use the Document Builder – JSON page to view document elements mapped to JSON documents.

Document Builder - JSON page

The Document Builder – JSON page features a JSON Details section that displays the JSON root label. By default the label is populated with the root label of the logical document.

You can edit the root label as necessary. However, if left blank, the system will add the root label from the logical document at save time.

By default, the JSON Details section is collapsed. Click the arrow icon that appears next to the label to expand or collapse the section.

The previous example of the Document Builder – JSON page shows the JSON Details section expanded. The Root Label field is populated with the name of the root element of the document, which is the default value.

When you click the name of an element in the document tree on the Document Builder – JSON page, the element name appears in read-only format on the right side of the page. In addition, the JSON tag name appears in the JSON Tag Name field.

The JSON tag name is the name that will appear for the element in the generated document or when the document data is parsed. By default, JSON tag name for an element is the element name from the logical document. However, you can edit the value as desired.

The previous example of the Document Builder – JSON page shows the name element selected in the document tree. On the right side of the page, the element name appears in a read-only Element field. The JSON tag name that has been defined for the element, IB_NAME, appears in the JSON Tag Name field.