Understanding Integration Broker Generic Message Feeds

Integration Broker generic message feeds enable administrators to expose Integration Broker messages used in asynchronous, one-way service operations as feeds. These feeds are scheduled feeds. Unlike up-front feeds, for which the message contents in Integration Broker queues are feed messages, the messages published to Integration Broker queues in the case of generic feeds are either PeopleSoft rowset messages or non-rowset messages. These messages are called Integration Broker generic messages. Typically, these messages are generated based on actions performed by users or events occurring within the PeopleSoft system.

The Define Generic Feed page allows the feed administrator to select any existing asynchronous, one-way service operation in the system and expose it as a feed. When a feed is exposed for an asynchronous, one-way operation, the framework automatically creates a Local-to-Atom routing for the corresponding service operation.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Routings page, which shows the Local-to-Atom routing.

Example of service operation showing Local-to-Atom routing

When a message is published for an asynchronous, one-way service operation, these messages will also be available in the feed, which is another form of application integration.

The default and recommended security option for generic Integration Broker message feeds is real-time security, although you can select other options as necessary. Real-time security allows only users who are in the permission list on the security page of the service operation to access that Integration Broker generic message as a feed. Users in the PeopleSoft Administrator and Portal Administrator roles also have access to Integration Broker generic message feeds.