Enabling the System Performance Statistics Feature

To view messaging system performance information, you must enable the statistics feature on the Monitor Setup Options page in the Service Operations Monitor as well as on integration gateway through the integrationGateway.properties file.

The setting in the Service Operations Monitor enables the system to capture performance statistics for activity on the application server. The setting on the integration gateway enables the system to capture performance statistics for activity on the integration gateway.

If you enable the feature only in the Service Operations Monitor and not on the integration gateway, the system captures statistics only for activity on the application server and does not capture any information for activity on the integration gateway.

Note: It is recommended that you enable the statistics feature on both the application server and on the integration gateway.

You do not need to perform any setup tasks in the integration gateway or in the Service Operations Monitor to capture performance statistics on the remote PeopleSoft system. The sending PeopleSoft system includes an identifier in the message request that prompts the remote PeopleSoft system for performance information. This information is returned as part of the response message.

To enable the statistics feature on the application server:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Integration Broker Options.

    The System Setup Options page appears.

  2. Check the IB Profile Status On check box.

  3. Click the Save button.

To enable the statistics feature on the integration gateway:

  1. Access the integrationGateway.properties file.

  2. Locate the Profile Information section at the end of the file.

  3. Set the ig.ProfileInformation property to TRUE.

  4. Save the file and refresh the integration gateway.