Converting WSDL Documents and Message Schemas to Managed Objects

This section discusses how to:

  • Use the Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert page.

  • Convert WSDL documents and message schemas to managed objects.

  • Convert message schemas to managed objects.

  • Delete data from the deprecated data repository.

This section discusses converting WSDL documents and XML message schema to managed objects. It also discusses the deprecated data repository.

WSDL Documents and Message Schema as Managed Objects

Beginning in PeopleTools 8.50, WSDL documents and XML message schema became managed objects.

After you copy WSDL and schema from earlier releases, PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to convert the data to managed objects. To copy WSDL and XML message schema from earlier versions of PeopleTools, use the data mover scripts described previously in this topic.

See Using Data Mover Scripts to Copy Message Schema and WSDL Data.

In addition, during the PeopleTools upgrade process the system automatically attempts to convert WSDL and schema metadata into managed objects. However, if the system is unable to convert the copied or upgraded data, you can convert it in the PeopleTools 8.55 system.

Deprecated Data Repository

WSDL documents and XML message schema data that you copy from earlier PeopleTools releases to a PeopleTools 8.55 database is stored in a deprecated data repository in the database. WSDL and schema that do not property convert to managed objects during the upgrade process are also stored in this repository.

After you convert WSDL and schema to managed objects, the system moves the data to the metadata repository.

You can leave data that you do not convert in the deprecated data repository, or you can delete if from the system.

Use the Service Administration – Metadata Convert/Schema Convert page (IB_META_CONV) to convert WSDL documents and message schemas to managed objects. To access the page select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Integration Broker Admin and click the Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert tab.

This page illustrates the Service Administration – Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert page.

Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert page

Use the top portion of the page to convert WSDL documents to managed objects. Use the bottom portion of the page to convert XML message schemas to managed objects. The page enables you to work with one WSDL document or message schema at a time, or you can work with all data in the deprecated data repository at once.

When working with message schema, you can also use the provided View Schema link on the page to view schemas before converting them.

This page also enables you to delete data from the deprecated data repository that you do not want to convert to managed objects or that you no longer need.

The following sections describe how to accomplish these tasks in greater detail.

This section discusses how to convert WSDL documents to managed objects.

To convert a WSDL document to a managed object:

  1. Access the Service Administration – MetadataWSDL/Schema Convert page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Integration Broker Admin and click the Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert tab.

  2. Select the WSDL document(s) to convert:

    • To select a specific service for which to convert WSDL, in the Service field, enter the service name.

    • To select from all services in the deprecated data repository, click the Search button under the Service field.

    Search results appear in the Non-Metadata WSDL grid.

  3. In the Non-Metadata WSDL grid, select the check box next to each service name for which to convert WSDL.

    If a check appears in the WSDL Exists check box, WSDL already exists as a managed object for the service. You can choose to use the existing WSDL, or select the check box in the Select column to convert the WSDL again and overwrite the existing WSDL.

  4. Click the Convert button under the Non-Metadata WSDL grid.

  5. The status of the conversion for each service you selected appears in the Results field.

This section discusses how to convert XML message schema to managed objects.

To convert message schemas to managed objects:

  1. Access the Service Administration – Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Integration Broker Admin and click the Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert tab).

  2. Select the XML message schema(s) to convert:

    • To select a specific schema to convert, in the Message Name field, enter the message name.

    • To select from all schema in the deprecated data repository, click the Search button under the Message Name field.

    Search results appear in the Non-Metadata Schemas grid.

  3. In the Non-Metadata Schemas grid, select the check box next to each message name that contains the schema to convert.

    If a check appears in the Schema Exists box, XML message schema already exists as a managed object for the message. You can choose to use the existing managed object schema, or select the check box in the Select column to convert the schema again and overwrite the existing schema.

  4. Click the Convert button under the Non-Metadata Schemas grid.

  5. The status of the conversion for each message schema that you converted appears in the Results field.

If you are unable to convert a schema to a managed object, rebuild the schema:

  • For rowset-based messages, open the message in the Messages-Message Definition page and save the message. Upon Save, PeopleSoft Integration Broker automatically builds the schema for the message.

  • For nonrowset-based messages use one of the following options to rebuild the schema:

    • Access the schema using the View Schema link on the Metadata Convert/Schema Convert page and copy it to the Messages-Schema page and correct and save the schema.

    • Access the schema using the View Schema link on the Metadata Convert/Schema Convert page and copy it into an XML editor and correct the schema. Then upload it into the system using the Messages-Schema page.

    • Upload or create a new schema using the Messages-Schema page.

This section discusses how to delete WSDL documents and XML message schemas from the deprecated data repository.

To delete data from the deprecated data repository:

  1. Access the Service Administration – Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Integration Broker Admin and click the Metadata WSDL/Schema Convert tab).

  2. Select the WSDL document(s) or XML message schema(s) to delete:

    • To select a specific WSDL document to delete, in the Service field, enter the service name.

    • To select from all services in the deprecated data repository, click the Search button under the Service field.

    • To select a specific schema to delete, in the Message Name field, enter the message name.

    • To select from all schema in the deprecated data repository, click the Search button under the Message Name field.

    Search results appear in the appropriate WSDL or schema grid.

  3. In the WSDL or schema grid, select the Select check box next to the data to delete.

  4. Click the Delete button under the grid in which the data to delete appears.