Defining REST Base URLs

This section describes defining REST base URLs for provider and consumer service operations.

For consumer service operations you obtain the REST base URL from the WADL document document furnished to you by the service provider. You specify the URL in the REST Base URL field in the REST Resource Definition section of the Service Operations – General page.

Specifying REST Base URLs (Provider Services)

REST Target Locations are defined on the Target Location page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Service Configuration > Setup Target Location). See Using the Target Locations Page to Set Target Locations for Services.

Target Location


Secure Target Location


The REST base URL for a provider service operation is auto-populated by the system. The value populated comes from the REST target location defined on the system and the routing alias defined on the any-to-local routing definition for the service operation.

Foe example:

The REST base URL for a provider service operation appears in a read-only field in the REST Resource Definition section of the Service Operations – General page.

To access the Service Operations – General page select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operation Definitions.

This example illustrates the REST Base URL on the Service Operations – General page for a provider service operation.

REST Resource Definition (Service Provider)

Specifying REST Base URLs (Consumer Services)

The service provider furnishes service consumers the value of the base URL to define, usually in a WADL document or Open API document. As the service consumer you then define this value in the REST Resource Definition section of the Service Operations – General page in the consumer service operation definition.

To access the Service Operations – General page select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operation Definitions.

This example illustrates the REST Resource Definition section on the Service Operations – General page for a consumer service operation.

Consumer REST Base URL

Enter the REST Base URL for the Provider Service.