Modifying Message Schemas

This section discusses how to modify message schemas.

Note: You can modify the content of message schemas built for nonrowset-based messages only.

To modify a schema, you can edit it directly in the Message Schema Builder, or you can export to make changes.

To modify a message schema:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Build Message Schemas.

    The Schema Builder search page appears.

  2. Locate the message with which you want to work.

    See Selecting Data in the Message Schema Builder.

  3. In the Message Schema grid, click the message name link.

    A new page displays with the message schema populated in a text box.

  4. Modify the schema as needed.

    • Modify the schema directly in the text box, or

    • Modify the schema in the editor of your choice.

      Use your cursor to highlight the contents of the text box and use the keyboard command CTRL + C to copy the contents of the text box. Paste the contents into your editor using the keyboard command CTRL + V. Modify the content as needed. Import the content back into the Message Schema Builder using the instructions described previously in this topic for importing message schemas for nonrowset-based messages.

      See Importing Message Schemas for Nonrowset-Based Messages.

  5. Click the Save button.

The Schema Builder page displays and the Updated On field displays the date and time of the modification, and the Build Results field displays the results of the new schema build.