Common Elements Used to Manage Services

Field or Control



(Optional.) Enter comments about the service or service definition.


Description of the service.

Generate SOAP Template

Click to open the Generate SOAP Template utility. The utility enables you to generate SOAP documents for each service operation in a service for testing purposes.

The link appears when working with a SOAP-based service and only if WSDL has been generated for the service. Note that you can use the Provide Web Service link on the Services page to generate WSDL for the service.

Link Existing Operations

Click to add service operations already defined in the system to a service.

Object Owner ID

(Optional.) Indicates the owner of the service.

The owner ID helps to determine the application team that last made a change to a service definition. The values in the drop-down list box are translate table values that you can define in the OBJECTOWNERID field record.

Operation Type

Specifies how the service is transmitted.

On the Service page this field defines the operation type of the service operation added.

Provide Web Service

Click to launch the Provide Web Services component and export PeopleSoft services as WSDL documents.

Schema Namespace

Provides qualification for attributes and elements within an XML schema document (XSD).

The default is

The namespace on the message definition defaults to the schema namespace you set as the default on the Service Configuration page.

Note: If you change the namespace, all future messages will have the new namespace.


The name of the service.

Service Alias

(Optional.) Overrides the service name and will be the name of the service when the WSDL is provided or exported. The alias enables you to use mixed case in the name.

Service Operation

The name of the service operation to associate with the service.

On the Services page, use this field to add new service operations for the current service.

Service Namespace andNamespace

The namespace field on the Service pages provides qualification for attributes and elements within a WSDL document.

The value defined in the Service Namespace field in the Service Configuration page is used as the default service namespace on the Services page. The default value is

Service System Status

The status that is selected restricts rename, delete, and other administrative actions that users can perform on integration metadata in the Services Administration component.

Values are:

  • Production.

  • Development.

See Understanding Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Handling Services.

Target Location

Specifies the URL to be used for service requests.

You must define this location before creating services and service schemas.


Click to view WSDL documents in the WSDL repository that have been generated for the service.

This link appears only when the service you are viewing is a SOAP-based service.