Prerequisites for Providing Services

The following prerequisites exist for providing services:

  • The PeopleSoft system must be configured for handling services. Use the Service Configuration page to define the service namespace, schema namespace, target location and service system status.

  • If publishing services to a UDDI repository you must:

    Note: You can only publish WSDL documents to a UDDI repository.

    • Have the UDDI server set up, configured and running.

    • Have business entities and categories set up on the UDDI server that you intent to query from the Provide Web Service wizard.

    • Specify the UDDI server and other relevant information within the PeopleSoft system using the Service Configuration-UDDI Configuration page.

  • Service operations in services to provide must have any-to-local routing definitions defined.

  • There must be a minimum of one service operation associated with the service that you select for which to generate a WSDL, WADL, or OpenAPI document.

  • For services that contain service operations with nonrowset-based messages, schemas must exist. The message schema must contain a target namespace. If no target namespace exists an error will occur when the system attempts to generate the WSDL or WADL document.

    Note: Target namespace is not required for OpenAPI document.

    PeopleSoft automatically generates schema for services that contain operations with rowset-based messages.