Creating Send Master Projects

To test service operation and connector processing using Send Master, you use Send Master projects. A Send Master project is a collection of service operation components, values and parameters that defines what you want to test and how you want to test it.

This table describes Send Master project types.



Input File

The Input File project type enables you to test servers that are expecting XML data over HTTP(S).

Integration Broker (MIME)

The Integration Broker (MIME) project type enables you to test servers that are expecting MIME data over HTTP or HTTPS. Use this project type to test service operation and connector processing using the PeopleSoft listening connector and for integrations with systems that expect MIME data.

This project type is referred to as the Integration Broker (MIME) project type throughout the Send Master product documentation.

Integration Broker (XML)

The Integration Broker (XML) project type enables you to test servers that expect XML data in PeopleSoft format over HTTP or HTTPS. Use this project type to test service operation and connector processing using the HTTP listening connector and for integrations with systems that expect IBRequest XML— formatted data.

This project type is referred to as the Integration Broker (XML) project type throughout the Send Master product documentation..

EIP Testing (Batch EIP)

The EIP Testing (Batch EIP) project type enables you to test batches of service operations from a file directory that you specify for automation testing, and enables you to test different transaction values.

This project type is referred to as the EIP Testing project type throughout this the Send Master product documentation.

JMS Project

The JMS Project project type enables you to test and post synchronous and asynchronous service operations to JMS queues or topics.

This project type is referred to as the JMS project type throughout the Send Master product documentation.

The following table describes the type of project to use based on the type of communication that you want to test.

Project Type


Input File

Use this project type to:

  • Use the Get method to ensure that URLs are valid.

  • Send non-PeopleSoft-formatted XML or MIME messages to web servers.

  • Test SOAP messages with the HTTP listening connector or PeopleSoft Service listening connector.

  • Test inbound and outbound transformations by posting non-XML data into PeopleSoft software.

  • Test integration points with PeopleSoft 8.1x systems as well as those systems that do not adhere to the PeopleSoft message format.

  • Test REST services.

Integration Broker (MIME)

Use this project type to:

  • Test PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

    After you create service operations, you can quickly add a few required fields and test the integration point. Instead of setting up another PeopleSoft system, you can interact with Send Master to shorten development time.

  • Test handlers.

    For example, you can test OnRequest, OnSend and so forth.

  • Test target connectors on the integration gateway, including specifying connector overrides.

    For example, you can test an integration that needs to perform normal Integration Broker processing, but also output the file to disk. You can override the target connector and test the file creation process.

  • Test attachments.

Integration Broker (XML)

Use this project type to:

  • Mimic an external system to test service operation processing using the HTTP listening connector.

  • Export data into the PeopleSoft XML IBRequest format to provide samples of data that PeopleSoft Integration Broker expects in request service operations.

EIP Testing

You can use this project type to send a directory of MIME-formatted messages into PeopleSoft Integration Broker. This project type enables you to override requesting and destination nodes without having to alter every service operation.


Use this project type to POST service operations to a JMS queue. This project type does not use the HTTP protocol, so no URL is provided.

To create a Send Master project:

  1. Launch Send Master.

  2. Select File > New Project.

  3. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.

  4. From the Project Type drop-down list, select one of the following options:

    • Input File

    • Integration Broker (MIME)

    • Integration Broker (XML)

    • EIP Testing (Batch EIP)

    • JMS Project

  5. Click the OK button.

    The system populates the Input Information section with various tabs, based on the project type that you selected.

  6. In the Server URL field, enter the server URL of the server with which to communicate.

    Note: This field is not used for JMS projects.

  7. In the Time Out field, enter a timeout value.

    The timeout value determines the amount of time Send Master attempts to process a service operation. If the request does not complete in the time specified, processing stops. Usual timeout is about 60 seconds. The default is 0 (zero), meaning there is no timeout.

  8. In the Headers box, enter pertinent HTTP header information for the service operation.

  9. Select File > Save Project.

The project name appears in the Project field and the type of the project appears in parentheses next to the project name. The content of the work space varies, based on the project type selected.