Running ADS Summary Report

The Data Set Summary report enables you to produce a report to view all of the information contained in the data set definition pages including general, relationships, groups, and properties. Optionally, you can also include overlapping data sets, referenced data sets, and referencing on the report. The report can also be produced in PDF format.

Use the Data Set Summary Report page to run a report that provides a summary of the data set.


PeopleTools > Lifecycle Tools > Migrate Data > ADS Summary Report

The Data Set Summary Report can also be accessed directly from the Data Set Designer by clicking the View Summary Report link on the General page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Set Summary Report page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Set Summary Report

Search Criteria

Use the Search Criteria section to select the data set or sets for the report. Click Search after entering the search criteria and the report will be displayed.

Field or Control


Data Set Name

Select or enter the data set name.

Overlapping Data Sets

Select to include all data sets that contain a record included in the record hierarchy of the selected data set.

Referenced Data Sets

Select to include data sets that are defined in the relation to the selected data set.

Referencing Data Sets

Select to include data sets where the selected data set is defined in the relation.

Export to PDF

Select this button to export the report to a PDF file.

Relevant Data Set

This section will list the data sets returned from the search with the description and deviation.

This example illustrates the selecting the data set RCF_SERVICES to include overlapping, referenced and referencing data sets.

Example of Overlapping, Referenced and Referencing Data Sets

Field or Control


Data Set Name

Data set name.


Data set description.


There are 3 values:

  • Overlapping

    The record hierarchy of this data set has some overlapping with the one of data set selected in search criteria, only the first overlapping record is displayed in parenthesis.

  • Referenced

    This data set was the referenced data set of selected/input data set in search criteria

  • Referencing

    This data set was the referencing data set of selected/input data set in search criteria

Data Set Summary

The Data Set Summary section has 4 groups: General, Relations, Groups, and Records.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Set Summary section. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Set Summary section
  • General

    This section shows:

    • Data Set Name

    • Owner ID

    • Is Copyable

    • Record Hierarchy: The '-' character in front of the record name means that this record has child record(s).

    • Object Properties: Each property displays in one line with the format of PropertyName : PropertyValue.

    • Extension class Name: Full path of the application class, including the package name.

    • Customized Methods: Displays which methods are overwritten(implemented) by the object owner. Methods include: CustomMerge, CustomValidat, DoRowsetValidations, DoTransform, CustomTransform, OnPreUpdate, or OnPostCopy.

  • Relations

    This section shows:

    • Relation Name

    • To Data Set Name

    • From Cardinality

    • To Cardinality

    • Relation Mapping: Each mapping is displayed in one line with the format of recordName.fieldName : recordName.fieldName (the first part is from From Data Set, while the second part is from To Data Set).

    • Relation Criteria

    • Relation Properties: Each property is displayed in one line with the format of PropertyName : PropertyValue.

  • Groups

    This sections shows:

    • Group Code

    • Group Name

    • Group Members: Each record field occupies one line with the format of recordName.fieldName. If no field name was specified, we the recordName is displayed.

    • Group Properties: Each property is displayed in one line with the format of PropertyName : PropertyValue

  • Records

    Expand this section to view the records in the data set.