ContentReference Links Properties

In this section, we discuss the ContentReference link properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


This property returns the absolute content URL, that is, the content from the content servlet (psc). The content is displayed without any portal template.

This property is read-only.


The following is an example absolute content URL:



This property returns the absolute content reference link portal URL. This URL also contains the content in the portal template.

This property is read-only.




This property returns an Attribute Collection containing the AttributeValues for this content reference link object.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the author (PeopleSoft user ID) for this content reference link as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property specifies whether the author of the content reference link has access to the content reference link. This property takes a Boolean value. The default value for this property is true.

This property is read/write.


This property specifies whether the user is authorized to view this content reference link.

This property is used when you access a particular content reference link using FindCRefLinkByURL. If you specified a valid content reference link, a content reference link is always returned, whether you are authorized to view it or not. This is the only property you can view from an object that you are not authorized tom and the content reference is empty.

The initial value of this property depends on the other permission properties (PublicAccess and AuthorAccess) and the permission list values in the PermissionValue object associated with this content reference link.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder). To determine only the permissions of the object use the Permissions property instead.

Note: You cannot add any PermissionValue objects to a collection returned by the CascadedPermissions property. You can add values only to the collection returned by the Permissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a RolePermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the role-based permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder). To determine only the permissions of the object use the RolePermissions property instead. To determine the non role-based permissions of the object use the Permissions property instead.

Note: You cannot add any PermissionValue objects to a collection returned by the CascadedRolePermissions property. You can add values only to the collection returned by the RolePermissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name of the node for the content reference link as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the creation date for this content reference link object as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the data for this content reference link. This property is valid only when the StorageType property is LOCL.

The length of this property depends on your system database limit for LONG fields.

This property is read/write.


&MyData = &MyCReflink.Data;


This property returns or sets the description for this content reference link object as a string.

The length of this property is 256 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read/write.


Note: PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is a deprecated product. This mobile property currently exists for backward compatibility only.

This property returns True if this content reference link is used with mobile applications, False otherwise.

This property is read/write.


This property returns True if the Hide from Portal Navigation check box is not selected when the content reference link is created. If the content reference link is hidden from portal navigation, this property returns False. Also, if the date associated with the link is not valid (is not within the valid to and valid from dates,) this property returns False.

Considerations Using IsVisible

If you do not specifically set this property on a new or copied content reference link, the IsVisible property is set as follows:

  • If the ValidFrom date is less then or equal to that day's date, the IsVisible property is set to True.

  • If there is no ValidTo date the IsVisible property is set to True.

  • If the ValidTo date is greater then or equal to that day's date, the IsVisible property is set to True.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the label for this content reference link object as a string.

The length of this property is 30 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the name for this content reference link object as a string. The name is a unique identifier for each content reference link object. The name cannot start with a number, and it cannot have spaces and special characters.

Every content reference link name must be unique in the portal, not just in the parent folder.

This property is read/write.


This property returns or sets the owner ID of the content reference link object as a string.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the parent folder name for this content reference link object as a string.

You can use this property to move the content reference link to another folder.

This property is read/write.


The following example uses the ParentName to return a folder object for the content reference link.

&Folder = &Portal.FindFolderByName(&CReflink.ParentName);


The Path property returns a path to this content reference link, with each element of the path separated by a period. The path has the following syntax:

Root{PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT}.LinkFolder {<Id of links folder>}.CrefLink {<Id of the cref link> }

This property is read-only.


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the non role-based permissions for this content reference link. To access the role-based permissions, use the RolePermissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the PeopleSoft product for this content reference link object as a string.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read/write.


This property specifies whether the link is public or private. This property takes a Boolean value: true if the content reference link is public and there are no permission lists associated with it. If it is false, the link uses permission list control.

For links, this values is same as that of the linked content reference. If the content reference is public, the link is public and can be viewed by anyone logged on to the system.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the relative URL in the following format:


For example, from the following URL:


The RelativeURL returns the following:


This property is read-only.


This property returns a RolePermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the role-based permissions for this content reference link. To access the non role-based permissions, use the Permissions property.

This property is read-only.


The sequence number is used when returning a collection. The default order of the returned content reference links is based on the sequence number. Use this property to reorder content reference links. This property takes a number value.

If there are duplicates in the sequence number, the content reference links are returned alphabetically.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read/write.


This property returns or sets the name of the template used with this content reference link as a string. You must specify the name of an existing template.

This property uses the name, not the label, of a content reference link.

This property is used only when the UsageType property is specified as Target (TARG) and the TemplateType property is specified as HTML.

To return a reference to the content reference link that contains the template specified by this property, use the TemplateObject property.

The length of this property is 30 characters.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to a content reference link object that contains the template specified by the Template property as a content reference link. If no template is specified with Template, this property returns a null value.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates whether a template should be used to wrap the content. This property takes a string value.

Values are:




An HTML template should wrap the data (URL) in the content reference.


No template should be used. The text should not be wrapped.

HTML is the default value on a new content reference.

Use the NONE value if the URL should not appear in the portal. An example is when the content reference link is a template itself.

If the homepage template for the user is un-retrievable, the system tries to use the default user's template first, before resorting to the portal default template.

When the content reference link describes content, this property should be set to HTML.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the URL for this content reference link object as a string. The content reference link derives the URL from the content reference it is linked to. The URL of the link is same as that of the linked content reference.

A query string value is added on the content reference URL to make the link unique. If the URL of the linked content reference changes, this URL is changed.

This property is read-only.


This property returns what kind of URL is used to retrieve the content.

This property is read-only.


This property returns what the content reference link is used for.

The value for this property is same as that of the content reference when the link is viewed as a content reference.

The usage type of the link is LINK in the database.

A content reference link can be created only for content references that have a type of TARG.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the date this content reference link is valid from as a string.

This property is read/write.


This property returns or sets the date this content reference link is valid until as a string.

This property is read/write.

Note: The portal registry API never uses the ValidTo and ValidFrom fields to determine what to return in a collection. You must check for these values in your application.