DZComponentConfig Properties

In this section, the DZComponentConfig class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use the arrDZInfo property to return an array of DZConfig objects representing all of the drop zones for a specific component, page, or page field. In addition, the array can represent all of the drop zones within a component that are configured with the specified subpage.

The property is set and the array is populated using one of the methods of the DZComponentConfig class. Therefore, this property is effectively read-only.

Note: While this property is actually defined as read/write, use it in a read-only manner in your PeopleCode programs.



Local PTCS_DROPZONE:DZComponentConfig &dzCompConfig = create PTCS_DROPZONE:DZComponentConfig("EX_EXP_SHEET_FL", "EX_ADMIN_EXPENSE_FL", "GBL");

Local integer &i;
For &i = 1 To &dzConfig.arrDZInfo.Len
   /* Do something with the fetched drop zones. */