Node Class Properties

In this section, we discuss the Node class properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


This property returns the number of all the child nodes and leaves of the node, that is, all the nodes and leaves below this node.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number of child nodes of the node, that is, all the nodes below this node.

To determine all the leaves below a node, subtract the AllChildNodeCount from the AllChildCount

This property is read-only.


To determine all the leaves below a node, use the AllChildNodeCount with the AllChildCount property.

&AllCount = (&MyNode.AllChildCount - &MyNode.AllChildNodeCount);


This property returns the number of immediate child leaves below this node.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number of immediate child nodes below this node.

This property is read-only.


This property enables you to specify the image name for a collapsed node.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the description of the node.

This property is read-only.


When using the Tree API to create a graphic representation of the tree (such as for HTML Tree Manager or other application pages) use this property to indicate the display level, that is, tell the user how many levels deep the node is. This is generally used for trees where levels aren't used and the LevelNumber property always returns 0.

This property is read-only.


This property enables you to specify the expanded image name for a node.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to the first child leaf of the node. This is the leaf that appears highest in the list of children of the node in PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

This property is read-only.


&NEWLEAF = &MYNODE.FirstChildLeaf;


This property returns a reference to the first child node of the node. This is the node that appears highest in the list of children of the node in PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

This property is read-only.


&CHILDNODE = &MYNODE.FirstChildNode;


This property returns True if the node has immediate child leaves, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has immediate child nodes, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has either child leaves or child nodes anywhere in the subtree, not just immediately under the node.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has a next sibling, that is, if it isn’t the last node.

This property is read-only.


While &MYNODE.HasNextSib    
   &MYNODE = &MYNODE.NextSib; 
   /* do some processing */ 


This property returns True if the node has a previous sibling, that is, if it isn’t the first node.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node is branched, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has been edited or changed but the current tree hasn’t been saved.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has been cut from the displayed tree. This property is generally used with the HTML Tree Manager.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node has been deleted but the current tree hasn’t been saved.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the node was inserted as a new node into the tree but the tree hasn’t been saved.

This property is read-only.


If &MYNODE.IsInserted Then 


This property returns True for both of the following:

  • the node is the root node of an unbranched tree.

  • the node is the top node of an opened tree branch.

Otherwise, the property returns False.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a reference to the last child leaf of the node. This is the leaf that appears lowest in the list of children of the node in PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

This property is read-only.


&NEWLEAF = &MYNODE.LastChildLeaf;


This property returns a reference to the last child node of the node. This is the node that appears lowest in the list of children of the node in PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

This property is read-only.




This property returns the level number of the node. Values are 1-99 for Strict or Loose level trees. This property returns 0 for trees that don’t have levels.

Note: PeopleSoft does not recommend using this property to set the level of the node. Instead, use the SwitchLevel method.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the name of the node (as a string.) You must set this property to a valid value if you are creating a new node.

Note: Do not use this property to change the name of an existing node. The change will not be reflected in the database. You must use the Rename method to change the name of an existing node.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to the next sibling node. If there isn’t a next sibling node, Null is returned.

This property is read-only.


While &MYNODE.HasNextSib 
   &MYNODE = &MYNODE.NextSib; 
   /* do some processing */ 


This property returns a reference to the node that is the parent of the node executing the property. If the current node has no parent (is a root node) False is returned.

This property is read-only.




This property returns a reference to the node that is the previous sibling node to the node executing the property. If there isn’t a previous sibling, Null is returned.

This property is read-only.


If &MYNODE.PrevSib Then 
   /* do processing */ 


This property returns the state of the node, that is, does it have children, and are they expanded or collapsed.

See Expand.

The values for this property are:




Node has no children


Children are expanded


Children are collapsed


Leaves are collapsed

This property is read-only.


&VALUE = &MYNODE.State; 
If &VALUE = 2 Then  


This property returns the branch name of the tree as a string if the tree is branched. If not branched, this property returns a blank string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the effective date of the tree as a string if the tree is effective-dated. If not effective-dated, this property returns a blank string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name of the tree as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the SetID of the tree as a string if the tree has a SetID. If the tree doesn’t have a SetID, this property returns a blank string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the UserKeyValue of the tree as a string if the tree has a UserKeyValue. If the tree doesn’t have a UserKeyValue, this property returns a blank string.


This property returns the type of the node. This property takes a string value. Values are:

  • "G" (Group): normal unbranched node or record group

  • "B" (Branched nodes)

  • "R" (Query Record): used for Query Access Trees only

This property is read-only.