PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Components

Process Scheduler has several components that work together to help you run reports and processes offline. After a job has been submitted, use Process Monitor to check the status of the job, and then use Report Manager to view the output of the job through a web browser.

Process Scheduler Manager involves the interaction of these components, which you can select from the menu:



Process Type Definitions

Set global definitions for processes.

Process Definitions

Define settings that are specific to a process.

Job Definitions

Group processes.

Schedule JobSet Definitions

Describe the jobsets that run on a recurring basis, such as weekly or monthly.

Recurrence Definitions

Describe the frequency of processes that run on a recurring basis, such as weekly or monthly.

Server Definitions

Define to instances of the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent.

Report Node Definitions

Define the report distribution node, including URL, home directory, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) address. Use this component to set the parameters that are needed for the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server to transfer reports and log and trace files that are generated from a process request to Report Manager.

Process System Settings

View or change the last process instance number, as well as the system’s default operating system.

Process Request

Submit a job or process to run. This component is commonly integrated into applications to support process requests that you make by selecting Run from PeopleSoft applications. The Process Request page enables you to specify variables, such as where a process runs and in what format the process output is generated.

Note: Depending on your role at your site, you might be concerned with only one or two of these components. Most end users are concerned with only the basic tasks of submitting a process request, checking its progress, and viewing it in Report Manager.